
Super Bowl Jock Mania

My idea of the Super Bowl is the Academy Awards, so this is but a pre-show practice for that main event. There have been years when I’ve been more excited than others (ok, just the one year, when Madonna ran the halftime show) and quite frankly the blush is off the Patriots rose for me, but any opportunity for socially-acceptable gorging on Buffalo chicken dip is reason enough to celebrate in these parts. I’ll add some celery to go with my healthier living of late.

Looking back in the blog, something that is more often irksome than not, I see that there have been a surprising number of football-related posts. Not only for the obvious jockstrap features, but in the Hunk of the Day series and other miscellaneous entries. These are a few (ok, a lot of) examples of how the pigskin runs deep here:

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