Category Archives: Gratuitous Nudity

Sexiest Sunday Post Ever

Meet male model Joseph Sayers, whom I recall from an ‘xy magazine’ spread he did about 15 years ago. He’s aging much better than me, but rather than envying that I’m going to be happy for him. It’s always nice to see someone from xy make something out of their life. [See: Benoit Denizet-Lewis.]

But enough of my blabbering…

What would you do for an uncropped version?

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The Battle of the Butts Redux: Channing vs. Joe

When I posed the question of who had the better butt between Channing Tatum and Joe Manganiello earlier this week, I got a few responses, but it ended up in a virtual dead heat. I hate a tie, so I’m re-posting the challenge, this time with a couple of GIFs to give a more realistic view of their assets. So, do you still stand by your original man? Once again, Channing is on your left, Joe is on your right. Choose wisely.

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Who Has the Better Butt: Channing Tatum or Joe Manganiello?

Based on the following two photos alone, I’ve got to give the slight edge (one might even say ‘rim’) to Channing Tatum – though in real life Mr. Manganiello is probably slightly more fit/built. Truth be told, neither of these guys is my type, or what I usually find attractive in a guy, but they each have their fervent admirers, so this double-billing goes out to them.

Above, Mr. Tatum; below, Mr. Manganiello. Who brings up the back best?

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The Gronk Nude

While one of Rob Gronkowski’s naked shots was already posted here, it’s Sunday Football time again, with an AFC Championship Rematch that finds the Patriots facing off against the Ravens. The Pats go in with one loss, and haven’t lost two in a row in quite some time… that’s about all I got from the ride home with my brother – more on that later. For now, enjoy this bit of uncharacteristic sports talk and footballer nudity.

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Sneaking Back in the Back Door

Just when it seemed I’d taken my last dip in the pool, an extra day of sun and heat provided a final night of swimming, so I snuck in one more time. It seems fitting to have the real final swim of the summer take place in the middle of the night, to let it slip out quietly in the dark, to leave the morning fog wondering in its wake. As the night was cooler, the water felt warmer – the sneaky switch that happens around August, around the last turn of summer.

And so summer goes silently to slumber, settling in for that long winter’s nap, as we wrap ourselves in the last strength of the Autumn rays. There will be warm and sunny days yet, but the nights will be different. It’s always the nights that change first in the Fall. Come Spring, it’s the opposite – the big change begins with the day – but right now that shift is most pronounced when the sun goes down. Still, the water is warm, and I dive down deep, burrowing into the buried recesses of lingering heat.

Plunging into the last remnants of a dying season, I take one desperate gasp before letting go. The time has come to find other pools – the vastness of the ocean perhaps, some tropical paradise with turquoise water and bone white sand. The pool in our backyard has gone dark – all shadows and shades of gray until the return of Spring – only the candles still flicker.

The water has gone still.

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Reichen Lehmkuhl, Naked Law School Student

According to Queerty, Reichen Lehmkuhl is heading to law school to get away from the evil blogger queens (excuse me?) who are attacking him for being so perfect. Here is how he puts it: “As much as I will miss the illustrious and fabulous life of an ‘A-list reality star,’ being public, being subject to the small but progressive, loud and proud, “gay-hate and take-down-other gays” judgment machine, and being the target of gossip from the flawless corps of amazingly accomplished, secure, sassy, role model bloggers of the gay media hate-o-sphere… the dignity department of my soul tells me that it’s time for a new direction.”

Not sure law school is the way to go, but at least he’ll be able to figure out if he has any chance of successfully suing folks for putting up those full-frontal images of the jerk-off session he did online – wait, can you sue your own self? Check into that, Reichen. (We don’t do full-frontal here, so you’ll have to look those up yourself; I’ll give you his ass as a consolation prize.)

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The Last Skinny Dip of the Season

You don’t always know when it’s going to be the last time you do something, but this recent swim felt like it was indeed the last one of the season. The air has changed, the night no longer retains the day’s heat, and the pool temperature has done steadily down – these last few evenings quite drastically. So when Andy said he had pumped up the heater for one final day of reasonably warm weather, we both knew it would probably be the last.  For this post, I’ll indulge in a little looking back… well, maybe for one more Summer Recap post as well. That’s what the end of summer is for, anyway – reflection, pondering, evaluation, contemplation, and reconciliation. This one especially, when things have changed… and when things are going to change. Nothing gold can stay. Soon, though, there will be too much excitement and movement to mourn over all that came before. Are we ready to brave the Fall? I think we are…

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Happy Birthday to the Naked Prince

Birthday greetings go out to Prince Harry, apparently the most fun Royal that England has going for it today (with the possible exception of Kate, pending publication of her topless pics). I think we’re all still coming off the high of seeing his memorable Las Vegas naked photos (censored and uncensored).

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Jake Gyllenhaal Naked From Behind

When Anderson Cooper sent me an e-mail saying that Jake Gyllenhaal would be on his talk show next week, I was elated. (Okay, maybe he didn’t personally send me that e-mail, and maybe it didn’t go solely to me, but if this is what it takes to brighten up a Saturday morning, just go with the flow of delusion.) The idea of Jake and Anderson meeting must create a new gay galaxy somewhere in the universe. In honor of that occasion it seems the perfect time to revisit Jake Gyllenhaal’s naked ass (as I believe the posts that did so prior did not get reposted yet. There’s also a full-frontal shot of Mr. Gyllenhaal rumored to be floating around this site somewhere… and with the new archives slowly shuffling into place, it may be easier to find…) In the meantime, here is his backside.

Despite my love for all things Anne Hathaway, and my appreciation of Jake and the  junk in his trunk (and elsewhere) I have not seen the movie these shots are from, ‘Love & Other Drugs’. Why sit through a whole movie when the shots you want will be up on the internet anyway? That’s what blogging whores like me are for.

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The Naked Butts of Magic Mike

The naked backsides of ‘Magic Mike’ – Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey, Alex Pettyfer, and Matt Bomer. Who’s your favorite?

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Ryan Reynolds, Married (Again) and Naked (Again)

Word on the Internet is that Ryan Reynolds married Blake Lively. One question: who is Blake Lively again? Another question: does anyone else think this is anything more than an excuse to show a naked booty shot of Ryan Reynolds?

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Polarizing Masturbatory Shots

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m no more narcissistic than anyone else, I just don’t bother to hide it.

Apparently the arrival of The Pictures (well, the re-arrival, as it’s always been a part of this site) has ruffled some feathers. For instance, the following message is from one of my FaceBook “friends” (errors intact):

“hi alan, really enjoyed seeing your posts and lover and whoever that little girl is and your travels. been FB “friends” a while… but got to block your postings, you just are getting a little too narcissistic and masturbatory-ish. you used to post nice things, and well, you’re an old man like me now, and i can’t tell my daughter and mom and co-workers who this aging naked man is posting on my timeline! lol i think you look great, but there’s an age where we do things with our friends and in private, or in porno mode, but not in family/work public. sorry to stop your postings, but i’ll still visit and admire from a gay adult man’s persepective. enjoy your fun.”

I will always admire honesty like that, and the writer makes some good points, though they are devalued when he takes pot-shots at someone’s age, especially when he’s about fifteen years older than me. Luckily for every post like that there are five other posts that are supportive and complimentary, but I won’t bore you with the ego-boost. The point is, they balance each other out. Over the years I’ve developed a very thick skin when it comes to dealing with this sort of thing, and it happens to anyone who puts themselves out here, identifying ourselves without a pseudo-screen-name, using our real faces and not a profile pic of our pet. It takes balls to do that, and it does not come without the risk of being attacked.

In certain cases, this one included, it’s apparent that I’m not the real issue. No one really has that much power or influence over another person. There’s no way I hold such sway, especially over someone I’ve never even met. Most of the rage and anger or simple annoyance that I inspire in others is a triggered response to their own issues. I just happen to be the lightning rod that’s erect when their storm hits. When I realized that, there was an instant sense of relief, and an infusion of contentment that took over both my work, and my attitude. You can’t take any of it personally. It’s never worth it. For the most part, I simply ignore these things, which is usually the most infuriating thing to do to someone who is dying for some sort of interaction. In this instance, I threw the person a bone and responded. But that’s all.

‘Thanks for letting me know. Out of genuine interest, and sarcasm-free curiosity, I’m wondering why you felt the need to notify me of this. Most people simply unfriend or unsubscribe without an explanation, and had you not said anything I never would have known. Part of me thinks you wrote that just to hurt me, and I guess I don’t understand that. I’ll never understand that, and I hope I’ll never be able to access what it takes to understand that. As for being an old man, I’m embracing it. I don’t dye my hair, I don’t try to turn back the clock, and even if my body completely falls apart I will never find shame or anything wrong in displaying it. That said, I respect your decision and in a way I’m glad you told me. I wish you well. – Alan’

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Prickly Poser

I’d apologize for another porny post to promote The Pictures page, but that’s not my style. Plus, it seems to be pissing some people off, so… Bonus! (Wait until you see tomorrow’s posts…) I’ve been feeling a little prickly of late, and not in the mood for confidences. In honor of that, a visual to prick your interest.

This was taken on one of our October excursions to Maine, when the seed pods of all those plants that flowered throughout the summer come into prominence. Vessels of future life, they hold the promise of another summer – a promise we will cling to when the winds of winter kick up and the snows of the season begin to arrive.  

If that doesn’t work, there’s always the option of cracking open the world and the whiskey to get through the day. And a night like this.

“Whiskey, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation. You gaze first, then it’s time to drink.” ~ Haruki Murakami

“Some of us look for the way in opium and some in God, some of us in whisky and some of us in love. It is all the same way and it leads nowhither.” ~ W. Somerset Maugham

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