
The Write Stuff, Baby

Posts for the next few days will be light on content, heavy on links, and hopefully give us a chance to catch our collective breaths. I’ll be out of town for a bit (but would-be-thieves should take note that my retired-police-officer of a husband will be watching the house like a hawk) so I’m pre-programming some nostalgic looks-back at what you might have missed. Newcomers stop by occasionally, and this is for them.

First up is The Writing. That’s where this began. All of it, in fact.

It started way back in McNulty School, where I wrote my first story – a tale of a snake called PG (named after the only kind of movies I could watch at the time) and his family. The slight narrative consisted of a day’s journey in which one of the snakes falls into a hole, and the rest of them have to link together to rescue him. That pretty much sums up the entire plot (and that sort of driving narrative is something with which I still struggle – I’m better at description.)

Much of my written work deals with those topics that inspire me – and no one inspires me more than Madonna. From her Drowned World Tour (the first time I ever saw her live and in person – and it was a doozy) to her latest MDNA Tour, she remains a stimulating force in spiking my creative drive. From her albums (‘American Life‘, ‘Confessions on a Dance Floor‘, ‘MDNA‘) to her tours (Confessions, Sticky & Sweet), Madonna will always be like a muse to me.

As frivolous as some stories may be, there are glimmers of serious prose here, particularly when this tour of jury duty was done, this one night stand was over, the first man I ever kissed wanted nothing to do with me, and a secret that I kept for two decades was revealed.

There are other inspirational topics as well, and no one inspires me more than amazing artists like Paul Richmond and Michael Breyette.

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