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December 2021

The Year in Semi-Review 2021: Part Two

Our Year in Review continues from this link-saturated post, and it is said that second parts should always be briefer than first parts. With that in mind here’s a condensed look-see at the second half of 2021, labeled semi because we are leaving at least half out, and all without hoopla or hubbub or H-E-double-hockey-sticks.

July 2021: in which a cardinal alights on the height of summer and memories of Andy’s roses filled the air. 

A summer song, and an imitation of life.

Summer was nothing but rain, even if the world was still standing

A rainy trip to Boston with Chris was filled with all the drama, and quite a bit more, than either of us could stand

A relatively new summer tradition found me visiting these dear friends in Connecticut

A visit from the Cape Crew brightened the rainy summer days.

An anniversary letter to my husband

August 2021: in which summer found expression in a song, or a few, and sadness found itself living within the space of summer

The light in the attic come summer

Madonna and Mandy asked the problematic question, ‘What can you lose?’

Tom Daley was obsessed with knitting

A tale of two dinners in downtown Albany.

Spending a couple of days and nights with Dad and the gentlemen Ilagan

Shakedown, 80’s style

As an antidote to the rainy Boston weekend with Chris, Suzie and I made a trip to Boston where all was sun and fun, a throwback to many an enjoyable vacation, and a welcome reminder of the importance to stay connected in such a disconnected time

A matcha made in heaven.

My birthday, and accompanying birthday suit. 

This was August, slipping away.

Two decades down, and one to go.

September 2021: in which the world finally caught a glimpse of David Beckham’s naked ass.

Entering the second half of my forties proved a quiet but beautiful sort of transition in Boston

These golden worries and this summer-ending babysitting jaunt paved the way for fall.

Dad turned 91 years old and we celebrated

The summer of 2021 proved rainy and stormy but we managed to smile our way through it

Fall arrived and with it the return of Abba and our cousin Tyler, who joined me in Boston

I survived the day it was predicted I would meet my demise. (And lived to show my ass off.)

October 2021: in which the fall fragrance was a selection by Byredo and Suzie joined me for a trip to Manchester, VT

Our annual fall adventure with the twins took place, which brought us to Manchester, and to the attic for a lesson on meditation

Nude but for an apron, as promised to the folks at Marimekko. 

Haunted by the boy who was killed for being gay.

October is when we celebrated Andy’s birthday and the anniversary of ‘Sex’ and ‘Erotica’

Mercury worked its madness and magic on a trip to Boston, which also included reunions new and old

No one talks about the way we all come home for Halloween, so we put music and words to it in this Halloween song. (Bonus: a fall visit to Connecticut!)

October 26, 2021 marked just two years of not drinking alcohol for me

November 2021: in which the quarter-century anniversary of Madonna’s turn as ‘Evita’ brings back memories that are best left forgotten. 

Taylor Swift said it all too well, and all in ten minutes. (About the length of my autumnal meditations.)

This Friendsgiving with Kira will have to suffice for the holiday stroll, until the world rights itself or at least steadies to a semi-calm state, for which we would be greatly grateful.

December 2021: in which the holly entered with the ivy, and live greens formed an integral part of a holiday tablescape.

Two queens in a king-sized bed.

The new Tom Ford Private Blend was probably the most perfect scent for reasons both personal and universal. 

A day with Dad was a pre-holiday luxury

Once upon a time I tried to be Mr. Perfectly Fine, perhaps a little too well.

The Holiday Card for 2021 was a slumber-themed subdued affair, but check out its predecessors, and prepare for a winter sleep

Keep calm and remain peaceful.

For the love of Andy’s meatballs.

Revisiting previous holiday strolls while this year’s is on hold. 

Winter has come.

A new year begins tomorrow – won’t you come back to see what’s next?

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The Year in Semi-Review 2021: Part One

Year-end reviews take so much time and work, and most people just gloss over them, so this year Im just hitting on a very select few posts, and posting them in just two entries, the first of which is this, with each one covering six months of time. If you really want to see more, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Archives to select the month you’d like to view. Not sure who wants to recall the days of 2021, any more than we want to recount the calamity that was 2020. At any rate, here we are, ending 2021 on a rushed let’s-get-this-done-with note, the same way I feel about New Year’s Eve for the most part, and here we go ~ rewind to a year ago, when the madness all began again…

January 2021: Which began on this relatively quiet note. We somehow knew what might be in store for the year

Roses in January were an exquisite treat, whether they appeared during the day, or revealed their enchantment in the evening

Our country was attacked by our own domestic terrorists – the Trump-loving MAGA degenerates – and the majority of people seem to want to let it all go.

Feeding myself a slice of humble pie and embracing the long-overdue realization that perfection is impossible. 

The concept of hygge became a brief obsession, one that warmed the winter in ways that shall continue this year. 

A winter cloak.

Top coat and chest hair

Cookies of lace and memory.

This Buddha’s tree joined our family at the start of the year. (Today, it’s approaching a foot an half tall.)

February 2021: Which found some of us embracing Friday night flute mindfulness.

A flan for February and a lady in red. A song fit for Valentine’s Day and acting all sorts of crazy. Because, well, ‘tis the damn season.

A Lenten beginning as I continued on a journey toward light and awareness

Perhaps the biggest news in these parts was the end of the Hunk of the Day feature and the start of the Dazzler of the Day. I love alliteration even more than shirtless men so this was a good switch.

Fuck the sourdough starter bullshit

Rediscovering the way back home.

March 2021: Which we got through by channeling Hollywood glamour in black and white

The art of Andy’s reparation

A blanket I’ve been crocheting since 1986… no lie.

The day we had to grow up

A new reality a full year later

What a prick.

Beginning the way back home again

April 2021: Which began with an ever-elusive happy ending

Portrait of a lady for a gentleman in the form of a fragrance

A delayed Easter outside with the family

No longer so haunted by my jury experience, I still recall it vividly

The Korean Victorian home where we spent our happiest childhood holidays

New friends silver, old friends gold

The return of the queen.

May 2021: Which marked Asian American – Pacific Islander Month, the season of Gatsby, and our 11th wedding anniversary

A very happy recap that included our Boston Wedding Anniversary.

Let’s get unconscious honey: the Madonna Timeline tackled the brilliance of ‘Bedtime Story.’

An unexpectedly-emotionally-tumultuous visit to Boston was filled with whimsy and mysterious enchantment, and while it held no happy ending, it was not entirely without hope

June 2021: Which found us celebrating Pride Month and creating the absolute summer place to be with this Scandic-Inspired attic loft space

What a difference a branch makes

Starting summer early, right where the boys are. 

A Saratoga movie/lunch date with the twins

Happily ever Andy.

Stalling and savoring in service of a proper write-up, this time of our return to the Boston BroSox Adventure, which came amid the madness of Mercury in retrograde, and boy did it rip

A summer escapist song: San Remo

Father’s Day celebration

Lavender going pink

{For the remainder of the days, come back this afternoon for the second part of the 2021 Year in Review.}

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A Midnight Wish to End the Year

Tomorrow this space gets taken over by a two-part year-end review for all the cringe-worthy awfulness that was 2021, so this post will have to make do for our annual New Year’s Eve return to the house on Sunset. While the battle of the Broadway Norma Desmonds has traditionally  been between Glenn Close, Betty Buckley and Patti LuPone, the talented performer who stormed Germany for an impressive theatrical run should be a worthy contender in that showdown. Helen Schneider has the vocal power and theatrical nuances to be both tender and dominating, as evidenced by this ever-building version of my favorite song from all of ‘Sunset Boulevard’ ~ ‘The Perfect Year’. 

The beauty of all these Norma Desmonds is that there are all these Norma Desmonds, and the world, once upon a time, was big enough and grand enough and magnanimous enough to allow for such wondrously varied and diverse takes on the iconic diva. A lesson lost to time, perhaps, but I’m always reminded of it when we revisit talent like Ms. Schneider’s, and all the other luminous ladies who have taken on the role. 

This version of ‘The Perfect Year’ begins with some of the hopeful tenderness that makes the original musical scene so memorable for me, yet it grows into something more, dropping the duet with a man and letting Norma keep center stage all to herself. You see, it was never about him – it was never about them – it was about her. Her own demons, her own doubts, and her own dreams. 

There is magic there. There is madness there. And there is majesty. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Tom Ellis

Inspired by Miranda Hart’s turn as Dazzler of the Day and the utterly charming performance he gives on her self-titled show, Tom Ellis earns his own Dazzler of the Day thanks to that charming chef, and a more devilish turn on ‘Lucifer’. He also re-ignites the ‘shirtless male celebrity’ side of this site, setting the stage for a sexy New Year. 

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A Jewel of a Christmas Moment Extended

Andy likes to keep the Christmas tree up until at least ‘Little Christmas’ which I believe is January 6, and at this dark time of the year I’m all for it. Our other little trees will remain up until the end of January. It extends the warm glow of the holidays, and makes the front end of winter go by in cheerier fashion. I also feel like we didn’t get as much out of Christmas as we have in the past – maybe it was all the worry about COVID and dealing with family issues, maybe it was the socially-distant state of the world, and maybe (most likely) it was my inability to simply sit down in front of the Christmas tree and take it all in – slowly and mindfully and meaningfully. The only time I got to do that was when Andy and I opened our gifts on Christmas Eve – after it was done we simply sat beside the tree, talking and appreciating the moment and our time together.

In a way, extending the season is a way to pause and take it all in, which may be easier to do now that the big day has come and gone. The resonant part of what Christmas means remains. Without the stress and bombast and pressure of all the shopping and general insanity of the weeks and days leading up to it, we have reached the space of quiet and contemplation to truly enjoy a Christmas moment.

Our Christmas tree was lit by me and decorated by Andy. It has ornaments that are decades old, as well as newer ones that have only been with us for a couple of years. As we add more, it only gets more beautiful each year – a rare moment when accumulating objects increases the visual appeal of something.

There’s also something magical about the Christmas tree that makes every picture of an ornament look far prettier than they have any right to be. The lighting and the evergreen needles and the idea of being nestled in a cozy bough lends further enchantment.

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Dazzler of the Day: Emily Blunt

We knew from the moment she held her own with Meryl Streep as Miranda Priestley in ‘The Devil Wears Prada‘ that Emily Blunt was a star. From there, she’s been stunning and seducing audiences with an impressive curriculum vitae that runs the gamut from critical indie darlings to smash sensations – see ‘Sunshine Cleaning’, ‘Jungle Cruise’, ‘Mary Poppins Returns‘, ‘A Quiet Place’ (1 and 2), ‘Into the Woods‘, ‘The Adjustment Bureau’, and ‘The Girl on the Train’. All of those films were made better, if not spectacular, thanks to Blunt’s masterful portrayals. Today she is crowned Dazzler of the Day, if only for surviving the devil in Prada. 

PS – Bonus points for her husband

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An Asset to the Abbey

The long journey to spring has begun, and this teaser trailer for the new ‘Downton Abbey: A New Era’ movie sets the splendiferous tone for a lighter and airier and South-of-Francier atmosphere. Not sure how the stiff upper lip I’ve come to love of the Abbey will fare when transported to a new locale, but I’m keeping an open mind. 

The release date of March 18, 2022 is also a few days before spring, indicating the perfect kick-off to the next season, and the return of the sun. It’s been a very long time since we’ve allowed ourselves to look forward to anything, and even this is done with a certain trepidation and hesitation, with the now-customary proviso that all is subject to change. Still, the heart longs, the heart hopes, and the heart waits in joyful anticipation… 


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Dazzler of the Day: Miranda Hart

My friend Marline introduced me to Miranda Hart when we were discussing the concept of a savory muffin at work one morning. I’d known her work from the movie ‘Spy’ where she was the funniest part of that Melissa McCarthy-helmed comedy (a Herculean feat unto itself), and then I later realized she could be as heart-tugging as she was hilarious in her turn in ‘Emma’. From there, I’ve been revisiting her BBC sitcom ‘Miranda’ to laugh away the winter nights, and because of that she earns this Dazzler of the Day

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Winter Gray, Like A Wolf

While not quite lamenting all the gray in my hair now, it was a slight jolt when I saw a picture from a decade ago of me on Christmas Eve with decidedly fewer gray hairs (like none). My friend Marline quickly came to my defense against my own self-doubt by saying that I earned them. (And to be fair, we earned them together, with a few usual suspects draining the color from our heads.) 

These days, there are far greater concerns than gray hair or the world-weary wrinkles and lines that are creeping into my face. I’ve made my peace with the aging process mostly, and most of my squawking and complaining is merely for show. Something to go along with the general impression and image the world has of me, the version that makes it easier to deal with daily life. Not a big deal really. I’ve reached the age where it doesn’t bother me as much – it’s more of a fascinating realization that maybe I’ve come a little further in my own self-acceptance than I give myself credit for. 

Winter gray, like the coat of a wolf or some silver fox, can be quite beautiful, especially at this time of the year. It indicates a hard-won reserve of wisdom and genuine confidence, with nary the need to pretend anymore. (There’s also a sprinkling of fuck-around-and-see-what-happens in it.) Whatever gets one through the winter. 

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Dazzler of the Day: Mr. M ~ Skip Montross

You may know him as Skip, or Mr. M, or Webmaster Supreme, or even Adam, but if you’ve been frequenting this website or the schools of Schenectady, you definitely know him. Today, my friend Mr. M earns his very first Dazzler of the Day thanks to this holiday outfit he wore to dinner the other night. I’d asked him to wear something to match the tablescape and he more than obliged. That he still has the power to surprise me after all these years of friendship is partly why I like him so.

He said one of my favorite quotes right after I stopped drinking two years ago: we were out at the movies doing our usual concession stand shenanigans and he remarked, “All these years I thought you were just drunk when you were saying these things but it turns out you’re just obnoxious.” That sort of keen observation is what makes him a Dazzler, and this Christmas jacket confirms it.

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The Post-Christmas Recap

Not even the Grinch could stop Christmas from coming, and came it did, and then it went, and here we are. Last night’s holiday recap covers most of how this season went, so no need to re-hash all the noise and the jolliness and the worry and the strife. We made our peace with it, and are at a happier place now. That’s the magic of Christmas at work. How long it lasts depends on how well we remember it. Let’s work to get some memories solidified before they disappear. 

Fed up with the asshole anti-vaxxers, maybe we just need to let them take the Darwin exit

The Winter Solstice arrived, engaging the last season before spring comes again. 

The lone Dazzler of the Day was a doozy, and a friend of mine: Sean McLaughlin

Holiday whimsy in a rabbit

On the second day of winter my true love gave to me

A bit of holiday magic and movie hope

The second night of winter

Who doesn’t love a bright and shiny ball?

‘Twas the night before the night before Christmas.

A cheeky bit of Christmas ass-crack, because I’m still me.

The solemnity of Christmas Eve.

The light in church at Christmastime

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Our family on Christmas Eve.

Salad. Ham salad.

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Holiday Celebration

We were fortunate enough to have a lovely family Christmas with Mom and Dad and immediate family in Amsterdam – and that’s about all I wanted for Christmas this year. I think we are all realizing how lucky we are simply to be here and with each other after the past couple of years. Everyone is getting older, and the fleeting nature of time impresses itself upon us in various difficult ways. For this Christmas, we paused as a family and enjoyed the company and the love. That merits a look back at this whole holiday season here, much of which was spent staving off the chaos and trying to focus on the calm and peace. 

It began with the close of October, and the mysteries of Halloween, framed with a song and a hat.

Hints of the season began to hit more solidly in mid-November. 

Thanksgiving came and went without a gathering, thanks to COVID. 

December arrived with the holly and the ivy.

A holiday tablescape formed the centerpiece of a couple of dinners. 

Two queens in a king-sized bed kept things cozy while outside the wind raged. 

Carrying a Christmas torch.

Sailing high above the world, to better view the ships. 

Dreams and hopes of a Boston holiday

Cheerful Christmas citrus.

Cooking for a Christmas at the cathedral.

The Holiday Card 2020: a peaceful affair filled with somber slumber.

Snowy jazz.

The secret of the Russian holiday tea, revealed and laid bare. 

With a hush and a wink, I sang my little heart out in this Christmas concert memory from decades ago.

Andy finally brought me around (read: beat me down) with a few marathon days of this Christmas classic. 

While my holiday stroll with Kira has been postponed, after the calamity that was 2020, it doesn’t feel so earth-shattering – we opted for this look-back to bide the time until it happens

Christmas mix tape.

A piano Christmas memory

An unconventional Christmas song

The arrival of winter, on its second day.

Edelweiss and a shiny bright ball.

‘Twas the night before the night before Christmas.

The solemnity of Christmas Eve and the light recalled from a Christmas mass

This marked the 50th Christmas my Mom and Dad spent together. A happy milestone for all of us.

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Hamming It Up, Salad-Style

When you find yourself with an abundance of ham, one of the best things to do aside from split pea soup is a batch of ham salad. Andy crafted this delicious bowl of it after a recent ham dinner, and since many will be left with the remnant of a Christmas ham, it’s an idea whose time is once again at hand. It also provides a punchier flavor palette when the Christmas staples – turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy – become monotonous. Thanks to its exquisitely-sharp accents of relish and a dash of vinegar that Andy claims is the secret to a perfect ham salad, this can be put on a sandwich or toast points or whatever cracker you have on hand. 

A simple snack for the come-down from Christmas. 

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Scenes from a Family Christmas Eve

Mom told me that this year marked the 50th year that she and Dad were spending Christmas together, which made for a very special evening, one for which I’m supremely grateful and thankful. We’re all getting older, and every Christmas spent together is now cherished and felt a little deeper. 

After a delicious dinner cooked by Mom, we opened our Christmas gifts, the same way we’ve done for decades. When we are less and less sure of the world, and our place in it, there are some traditions that bring us all the way back to the safety and security of childhood, when everything felt right and full of wonder, even if it was just for one night out of the year. That one night was always enough to last until the next Christmas. 

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Merry Christmas, Everyone

From our family to you and yours, I wish you the happiest of Christmas Days. 

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