
The Year in Semi-Review 2021: Part Two

Our Year in Review continues from this link-saturated post, and it is said that second parts should always be briefer than first parts. With that in mind here’s a condensed look-see at the second half of 2021, labeled semi because we are leaving at least half out, and all without hoopla or hubbub or H-E-double-hockey-sticks.

July 2021: in which a cardinal alights on the height of summer and memories of Andy’s roses filled the air. 

A summer song, and an imitation of life.

Summer was nothing but rain, even if the world was still standing

A rainy trip to Boston with Chris was filled with all the drama, and quite a bit more, than either of us could stand

A relatively new summer tradition found me visiting these dear friends in Connecticut

A visit from the Cape Crew brightened the rainy summer days.

An anniversary letter to my husband

August 2021: in which summer found expression in a song, or a few, and sadness found itself living within the space of summer

The light in the attic come summer

Madonna and Mandy asked the problematic question, ‘What can you lose?’

Tom Daley was obsessed with knitting

A tale of two dinners in downtown Albany.

Spending a couple of days and nights with Dad and the gentlemen Ilagan

Shakedown, 80’s style

As an antidote to the rainy Boston weekend with Chris, Suzie and I made a trip to Boston where all was sun and fun, a throwback to many an enjoyable vacation, and a welcome reminder of the importance to stay connected in such a disconnected time

A matcha made in heaven.

My birthday, and accompanying birthday suit. 

This was August, slipping away.

Two decades down, and one to go.

September 2021: in which the world finally caught a glimpse of David Beckham’s naked ass.

Entering the second half of my forties proved a quiet but beautiful sort of transition in Boston

These golden worries and this summer-ending babysitting jaunt paved the way for fall.

Dad turned 91 years old and we celebrated

The summer of 2021 proved rainy and stormy but we managed to smile our way through it

Fall arrived and with it the return of Abba and our cousin Tyler, who joined me in Boston

I survived the day it was predicted I would meet my demise. (And lived to show my ass off.)

October 2021: in which the fall fragrance was a selection by Byredo and Suzie joined me for a trip to Manchester, VT

Our annual fall adventure with the twins took place, which brought us to Manchester, and to the attic for a lesson on meditation

Nude but for an apron, as promised to the folks at Marimekko. 

Haunted by the boy who was killed for being gay.

October is when we celebrated Andy’s birthday and the anniversary of ‘Sex’ and ‘Erotica’

Mercury worked its madness and magic on a trip to Boston, which also included reunions new and old

No one talks about the way we all come home for Halloween, so we put music and words to it in this Halloween song. (Bonus: a fall visit to Connecticut!)

October 26, 2021 marked just two years of not drinking alcohol for me

November 2021: in which the quarter-century anniversary of Madonna’s turn as ‘Evita’ brings back memories that are best left forgotten. 

Taylor Swift said it all too well, and all in ten minutes. (About the length of my autumnal meditations.)

This Friendsgiving with Kira will have to suffice for the holiday stroll, until the world rights itself or at least steadies to a semi-calm state, for which we would be greatly grateful.

December 2021: in which the holly entered with the ivy, and live greens formed an integral part of a holiday tablescape.

Two queens in a king-sized bed.

The new Tom Ford Private Blend was probably the most perfect scent for reasons both personal and universal. 

A day with Dad was a pre-holiday luxury

Once upon a time I tried to be Mr. Perfectly Fine, perhaps a little too well.

The Holiday Card for 2021 was a slumber-themed subdued affair, but check out its predecessors, and prepare for a winter sleep

Keep calm and remain peaceful.

For the love of Andy’s meatballs.

Revisiting previous holiday strolls while this year’s is on hold. 

Winter has come.

A new year begins tomorrow – won’t you come back to see what’s next?

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