Category Archives: General

Circus Maximus

The circus has come to the town of my mind, as whispers of a new project grow louder and more insistent. It appears that this website has thus far survived the updates of the host company, so I am scrambling for something to post since I was banking on a few days of down time. Alas, no rest for the wicked

These pink-themed top-hat-topped ringmaster pics are from the promo blitz for last year’s 20th anniversary of As I gear up for a possible new project, look for more re-treads and outtakes from previous efforts. It’s been a while since I was in creative gear, and over the last few years I’ve learned not to try to do everything I used to do. That means focusing less on substantial content here while I move into making something new. My content and output on this blog is such that one week of posts here once amounted to an entire project in and of itself. That means the volume is equal to 52 projects a year. Something has to give if I’m going to produce a new one, and so the schedule will be lighter. It’s all good. And I want to take this year a little bit easier anyway. 

So peruse the past posts when things get barren here, particularly the past that once felt so much like a circus. There’s still some crazy in this old horse.

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February 21st for the Past Ten Years

This website could feasibly go on for the next ten years simply recycling all the old posts that you know you never read and that I no longer remember, so let’s give that scenario a whirl with this post. We will be traveling back in time for the last decade, checking out other posts that were made on this date. It’s absolutely as ridiculous as it sounds. Hang on to your hats!

February 21, 2014 – In which a lonely grapefruit reminds of the past and a naked Dan Osborne wows with that body.

February 21, 2015 – In which some of my previous laziness comes to light (I always did love a good re-post, especially if someone else wrote it) and Tom Ford revealed further evidence of his brilliance.

February 21, 2016 – In which another Tom Ford post forms the bulk of the day. I’m nothing if not consistent, which means I am nothing.

February 21, 2017 – In which a reference from ‘The Golden Girls’ informs a cocktail of the moment and plans were made for the Harry Potter play.

February 21, 2018 – Oopsie daisy! There was no proper post for 2/21/18, so here’s a weekly recap around that time to give you a feeling and a flavor, with bobsleigh butts and such. 

February 21, 2019 – In which I thought I might put an end to my tea-bagging (spoiler alert: I didn’t) and some basic office refrigerator etiquette in a quote for which I never quite asked permission. Or forgiveness.

February 21, 2020 – In which the world was about to be felled by a global pandemic, and I sought ways to be more mindful at every moment

February 21, 2021 – In which the age-old question of ‘Who needs new clothes?‘ gets an almost-answer and the brilliance of James Baldwin received worthy highlight. 

February 21, 2022 – In which we hit upon a semi-snarky weekly recap and continued our meditative journey while the wind raged.

February 21, 2023 – In which we go back only one year, to a time when I took the twins to a winter outing in Saratoga and later reminisced of how I got sick for the first time in four years

Rather than end on that dour and sour note of sickness, let’s go back an extra year, before this batch of a decade began, to see what was up on February 21, 2013: oh look at that, just posing without purpose or aim or, ahem, any clothes whatsoever. What a difference a decade makes. 

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Are you there? Am I here?

 "This is a show...

that I have no idea what is gonna happen to my voice.

I don’t know where it’s gonna come from, but give me a voice…

and let me put on a great show tonight.

And let everybody do the same, amen.” ~ Madonna, ‘Truth or Dare’


Is this thing on? Well, I have no way of knowing what is going to happen, so if this post is up, perhaps this site will go on like that Titanic theme song and a lost bit of ostentatious jewelry. If that is the case, my plans for a mini-vacation will have been dashed, and so I’m pre-populating this space for the next few days with jewels from the past. Pay particular attention to all of the blue links – they will guide you on all your ways!

That opening quote, by the way, is Madonna’s turn in ‘Truth or Dare’ right before she cancels a few shows and has to silence her voice. It seemed fitting in the event that I lose my voice here. (There’s always social media, but that’s mostly devolved into plugging this website, so it seems pointless.) Here’s the ‘Like A Prayer‘ performance from ‘Truth or Dare‘. Epic.

We’re quickly approaching the 35th anniversary of the ‘Like A Prayer’ album, and if we’re still around there will be a post to commemorate that next month. If not, bookmark this one. From Madonna to summer magic

The featured photo was from a few years ago in happier pool times, and it felt like a good juxtaposition in the midst of this mild but still chilly winter. Apricity – may it find us soon again. I’m doing some preliminary planning for summer, given that the squirrels just shredded our patio canopy. The travails of living with wild creatures in the backyard

A new canopy has been ordered, and the old one will soon be disassembled and added to the dumpster that must be secured for next month. Spring cleaning is on the way. In the meantime, keep your fingers-crossed that this site lives to post another day

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A Little Recap, A Little Late

Monday morning is usually the slot for our weekly blog recap, but I’ve been out of town, and this site may be down for a bit if the revamp of our host company mucks things up as it’s expected to do. I’ve been mulling a little vacation anyway – this winter is ripe for the quiet that might ensue. On with a recap for anyone who missed anything…

The shock of a vibrator when all I wanted was some sequins. 

Tom Holland bottomed for Henry Cavill.

Tuesdays, am I right?

A Valentine hodge-podge.

I wore the red underwear.

Rushing toward spring.

We are the worst sign.

It’s a Wordle miracle.

Harry Styles in and out of his underwear.

The Middle Ages of Connecticut.

A very styled-out Ryan Gosling.

Nothing but excited for this.

Frozen hot desert.

Are you ready for prom season?

Tom Daley in a self-crocheted speedo.

Dazzlers of the Day included Jake Gyllenhaal and Jay Perry.

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Not-Prom Season

For all those gearing up for not-prom season (and it’s never too early to start planning for that shit), here’s a happy little short film by Morgan Jon Fox on the subject. Brought a tear or two to my eyes in the best possible way. Happy crying!

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The Middle Ages of Connecticut

“Midway along the journey of our life
I woke to find myself in a dark wood,
for I had wandered off from the straight path.

How hard it is to tell what it was like,
this wood of wilderness, savage and stubborn
(the thought of it brings back all my old fears),

a bitter place! Death could scarce be bitterer.
But if I would show the good that came of it
I must talk about things other than the good.”

– Dante Alighieri

There’s something ominous about using a few lines from Dante’s ‘Inferno’ to kick off a blog post about a wonderful winter weekend with friends, but the one thing that always ran through all of his work was the progression toward something better – in this case there would be no paradise without a little burn. Besides, life without drama is no life at all. 

Happily, there was only fun and loveliness on this almost-spring-like weekend in Connecticut, where I got to visit my friends Missy and Joe and their kids Julian and Cameron. They always make me feel welcome and warm, and in the midst of a winter, no matter how mild, the heart rejoices at such company. I don’t have an extensive list of lifelong friends whom I trust implicitly, and visiting with Missy is like sharing a weekend with family

The weather smiled upon us as well, with temperatures soaring, and a bright sunny sky of blue being the glorious backdrop for our shopping and dining excursions. Still, it was winter, and the fireplace alternately roared and settled into a slumber just as needed when the dark arrived and the cold returned. At such times, we spoke of the trials and tribulations of middle age – a lament that recalled the opening lines of this post, as the three adults fought to find our footing when our bodies were falling apart, and our minds were fatigued at seeing all that we have. 

Positing a new project, we entertained what that might look like, and with two teachers backed by a lifetime of academia, I was inspired to head back in to the creative process – something that often happens with this inspirational crew. Mostly though, our visit was a reminder of the enduring warmth and power of friendship, and the way it provides a haven in the most ravaging of winters

We set up another visit for spring, when at last I will make a lifelong wish come true of visiting White Flower Farm (which is turns out is only about half and hour from their home). That pilgrimage will hopefully fulfill a full-circle moment that started decades ago

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A Wordle Miracle

It only took 966 attempts, but I finally guessed the Wordle on my first attempt, and with a word I had never tried before: ‘FRIED‘ – because I’m working on bettering my diet and all I want is fried food. See, sometimes obsessions help us

Having had a love-hate relationship with Wordle over the years, this was a happy moment, as glorious as it was random, and unlikely to ever happen again. 

For those of you wondering what happens when you guess the word on the first attempt (such as the ‘Phew!’ that erupts when you get in on the sixth and final allotted attempt) I totally forgot to look, so I have no idea. Maybe it will come around again in another 966 tries. 

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Rushing to Spring

In the sounds of rushing water there is life, and the odd brush with the sublime rekindles memories from half a world away. Whenever I pass a stream, and whenever I have the time, I’ll pull over and pause beside the running water. It only takes a few minutes, and all I do is stand there and listen, but it makes a difference – it allows for a moment of meditation, even when it doesn’t have the customary trappings of what most might consider meditation. Being mindful and appreciating the beauty in a moment is its own form of meditation. Occasionally, deeper pondering will cross my brain at such times, and I acknowledge those thoughts, then let them go, envisioning them drifting along with the current of the water. 

Mostly though, I simply stand beside the water and watch, seeing how the sunlight might play on its little waves, listening to the way it tinkles or roars, feeling the calm it instills on its own unbothered journey. I wonder at its power and pull, lulled by its siren-like call, and somehow I feel a little better about the world. 

A stream is always worth a stop.

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A Pop of Underwear Color

Further evidence of how far we have fallen since COVID: this was a recent cleaning outfit when I was in Boston preparing for a visit from Kira. A pair of ridiculously-red underwear and the top of a velour track-suit, because I was too lazy to be bothered pulling up the matching pants. Picture this going up and down a ladder taking down holiday curtains last month, and you have the illustrative embodiment of a tortured winter. 

The nonsensical match-up looked questionably striking against the bedding that’s currently in the bedroom, so I paused to capture the scene. Winter is so drab one wants for a pop of color, and if that comes from the underwear drawer then so shall it be. 

These photos are mostly for my amusement, and a bit of a tentative step back into my comfort zone (which has traditionally been walking around in my underwear). Lately I’ve felt a bit of the old creative process stirring again, that sublime time when the world whispers of a new project on the distant horizon, and hints of themes and ideas are found at every turn. The haze of this winter has been dissipating somewhat of late, perhaps a little on the early side, but it keeps me going. For the most part, I’ve been quietly embracing these winter days, taking them slowly, one by one, and suddenly we are in mid-February – half-way through the shortest month of the year (plus a leap-year day). 

It felt like springtime on this February morning…

Such winds carry the first inkling of spring with them, and the merest whiff of that fine season is enough to thrill and set the heart to hurried motion. And so I forego the black and gray wardrobe I’d adopted these past few months, and try on something colorful, something silly, something to elicit joy even if I’m the only one who ever sees it.

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A Valentine Hodge-Podge

Am I the only person who enjoyed Valentine’s Day more as a kid than as an adult? Don’t get me wrong, my husband is always lovely enough to gift me with some exquisite item I’ve oh-so-subtly-hinted-at, and I always take him out for a V-Day dinner (never on this date, but a day or two afterward, because who in their right mind messes around with reservations and questionable service/value on February 14?) But for the rest of it – the candy and flowers and in-store hype – I always think back to when it all meant a little more.

Strangely enough, Valentine’s Day was never about romantic love for me – it was about love in general. For a child growing up, that’s the only sort of love I understood or felt. Rather than pining for a love interest, I poured my heart into crafting Valentine cards for my friends and family. The thrill of the day was in watching my classmates open up their bags of cards, and opening the ones they had given to me. While we all exchanged cards (even if we hated the person they went to) there were some that were more dear to me, especially when someone I liked, or tolerated, turned out to write something touching in a few short words. It was always more moving when it came from someone I would never suspect of such kindness; we expect worship and adoration from our dearest friends – it’s the unexpected show of love that pulls most insistently at the heart

As for romance – or Romance with the capital ‘R’ because we add such unearned Reverence to the concept – I couldn’t quite grasp it when I was a kid. On an episode of ‘Family Ties’ they put this heartsick ballad on, and I felt the first hints of the longing and heartache that love could elicit. This song tore up the radio shortly thereafter, and I’d listen to it late at night, wondering at what it all meant. 

Meanwhile, I focused on the superficial trappings of the season – all the pinks and reds and fuchsias, all the stuffed animals and cuddly promises of LOVE…

One year I begged my Mom to let me get some fabric and decorations to make a stuffed heart. Using a silky chiffon in the brightest red, I sewed it all up by hand – a typical red heart, which I then bordered with a thin ribbon of purple velvet ribbon – all softness and sensory delight – before gluing on a pink felt heart at its center, and a healthy sprinkling of sequins and glitter in an act that would become a trademark – much to the chagrin of all my friends who never wanted glitter on their faces for the rest of their lives. 

‘Tis the damn season, so go have your Valentine’s Day and celebrate in whatever fashion you deem delightful. I’ll be home with Andy, watching the new season of ‘Feud’ with Truman Capote and his Swans. A night in with a television show is a rare indulgence for me, and I couldn’t ask for a better Valentine.

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In A World Where Tom Holland Bottoms for Henry Cavill

Oh AI, what are you doing to this world

Sooner or later, although most signs point to sooner, we won’t be able to tell what’s real. 

In this instance, we come upon Tom Holland assuming the stance and position for Henry Cavill. A pose of possibility, perhaps. A pose of something more in the minds of the great gutter-dwellers.

Some nights the stars are best seen from the vantage point of a gutter. 

As for the inevitable take-over by AI, that’s far too much to address in a single blog post, and certainly not on a Tuesday

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The Shock of a Vibrator

Targeted marketing on social media often works quite well on me – all those glamorous duds from Saks and Nordstrom, caftans with sumptuous cuffs of ostrich feathers, sequined jumpsuits, and bejeweled purses in the shapes of swans and stars and shells. They don’t always get it right though, as seen in this ad for a vibrator sold through Anthropologie. 

My most recent purchase from Anthropologie was a pair of sheer sequined pants, and perhaps that gave them the wrong idea in this case. As amusing as this is, I’m more in shock that this particular company carries vibrators. I fear the next stage of growing old is being shocked at such a thing, and that is the stage I’m at: shock and awe, only I’m usually on the other side of both. 

It’s time to get back in the game, and back to my usual side. 

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Winter Returns for a Recap

Winter is scheduled to return this week after a bit of an unofficial and greatly-appreciated hiatus – we’ll see how much she decided to dump on us tomorrow. In the meantime, the weekly recap slides us into Monday whether we are ready or not…

Fed up with the social media scene, here are the new rules for my social media pages

A shirtless Shawn Mendes post.

Not-so-future nostalgia Part 1, way back when I was blonde.

Not-so-future nostalgia Part 2, back when I was in a Speedo.

The Madonna Timeline randomly chose ‘Looking For Mercy’ as its latest entry.

Entering the age when I don’t want to drive in the dark or in the rain.

Don’t try to run I can keep up with you, nothing can stop me from trying…

A winter visit to my Dad.

Properly suited for despair.

Accents of scarlet to warm the onslaught of a winter night. 

My new favorite word: apricity

Staying dry.

Weaving a summer story through the middle of winter

My style in the 90’s was questionable, but the reconciliation is real.

Cleaning up my kitchen act.

A glimpse at the first trailer for the ‘Wicked’ movie and it’s a wonderful thing.

Dazzlers of the Day included Ryan Gosling and Anthony Nerada.

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Everyone Deserves the Chance to Fly

The trailer for the movie adaptation of ‘Wicked’ dropped during the first moments of the Super Bowl (this is why we watch, people!) and it is more than I was hoping, and certainly more than I was expecting. Obviously, a trailer does not a movie make, but a trailer has been known to break a few, and this one magnificently shows just enough to set the stage for a year of anticipation until the first installment arrives. Feast your eyes and ears upon it below, and prepare to fly… 

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