
Read Me

While I’m in travel status, I offer an invitation for you to read The Writings, especially for anyone who is new here. Some of my best work is written (no matter what you may hear on the corner), and over the years I’ve whittled down a large collection of mundane and mediocre work into a few bright spots of polished prose. For starters, you might like ‘The Secret I Kept for Twenty Years‘, which is pretty self-explanatory (a secret that I kept for, well, twenty years). If you have a bit more time and the slightest interest in what it’s like to serve on a jury for a murder trial, check out my stint as ‘The Reluctant Juror‘. For those who have ever experienced a difficult break-up, when you’re at an absolute loss as to how to navigate such treacly waters, take a gander at ‘Heart of Winter‘, set in my last days in Chicago. Finally, in the briefest of snippets of a coming-of-age story, I wrote ‘The Boys of McNulty‘ to immortalize a childhood friend who committed suicide. Taken together, they may not be the happiest or funniest group of stories I’ve written, but they’re among my favorites. Sometimes it’s not all rainbows and roses and unicorns. Butterfly in the sky, I cannot go twice as high…

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