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August 2012

Dinner With Andy

Happiness is a dinner with my husband, in a city by the sea.
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Midnight at the WalMart

After finishing up our preliminary evening of web work, Skip and I made a midnight trip to WalMart to pick up the release of ‘The Hunger Games’. These are two things in which I am normally not at all interested, but when given the chance to go to WalMart at midnight and see a bunch of losers all excited for their dorky movie coming out on DVD, it was too much to pass up. I was only expecting a small handful of devoted/delusional fans, but the line was about 20 deep, and moving at a snail’s pace.
A family of four or five stood before us, and Skip asked the middle girl, about 12 years old, if she was Team Pita or Team Salad (I forget what the names were). She chose one, to which I said, “I’m Team Madonna.” She promptly turned back around and continued talking to her father. Rude. Skip said he half-expected the banjo music from Deliverance to start playing, and I prayed for a glimpse of Burt Reynolds back in his glory days. (Not that I’ve ever been smitten with Mr. Reynolds.)
A single guy with gigantic holes in his ears is behind us in line. He doesn’t smile. He does, however, make me wonder what kind of movie ‘The Hunger Games’ is. Is this some ‘Lord of the Rings’ type epic? How else to explain the young men in line with us? Before I have time to dwell on the madness, Skip reaches the counter and gets his copy, then we are charging out of the store dodging bras and E-Z See keyboards and military men in full camo regalia. I’ve had my WalMart fill and it’s time for the Hess Express, even if they’re out of hot dogs.
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Thom Evans, in Various states of Underwear

A lot of times I get requests to post salacious pics of shirtless men, some of whom I don’t find attractive in the least. This is not one of those times.

Ladies & gentlemen, I give you Thom Evans. No idea who he is, nor an inkling do I care.

And with a body like that, I don’t even care what he wears.

Remind me to stop eating the carbs. Actually, remind me to stop eating altogether.

He even makes man spanx look good.

All of the images by photographer Daniel Jaems, from F.Tape Fashion.

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Mayhem in the Kitchen

Andy doesn’t usually make mistakes in the kitchen. True, there was that one cilantro-instead-of-parsley incident that ruined a pan of stuffing (served without taste-test at a huge holiday dinner at my parents’ home no less), but for the most part the kitchen is where he works magic. Every once in a while, though, things fall apart. Like this cake.

He was making the monthly birthday confection for my workplace when I heard a cry of ‘Shit!’ from the room I rarely frequent. Now, normally when people are upset, I do my best to avoid the situation and pretend I’m not around. (I can’t tell you how thankful I was to have not been in the office the day a co-worker had a dizzy spell and needed to be carted out by ambulance.) I’m simply not good or comfortable around distress. Being that Andy was working on something for the rest of us, I cautiously walked in and asked what happened, where I was greeted by this crumbling mess.

My heart went out to the guy, and I tried to be supportive, suggesting there might be way to salvage it – either remove a top layer, or just hide everything with two pounds of frosting. He was not having it, refusing to send in something that was falling apart like it was. “Let’s just buy a cake,” I ventured at 9:30 PM. “Where can you get a cake at this time?” was his dejected reply. Umm, how on earth would I know? See, this is why I don’t like to get involved – there are always more questions. I made one final suggestion that he do a simple, quick pan cake and call it a night, then left before there was more swearing.
A few hours later, he conjured another work of art, more brilliant and impressive than the first, and if it weren’t for a FaceBook S.O.S. no one would have been the wiser.
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You’re So Fucking Special

Every year around this time, for obvious reasons, I indulge in a little bit of looking back. It’s not a stance I favor, for more obvious reasons. Yet here we are again, approaching the end of August – the turn of summer – and we pause for this moment of reflection. My bags are packed, Andy is in the bedroom finishing his own packing, and I am listening to this song, wondering if anybody else is listening.

It’s a tricky time, this end of August. It’s still summer, but the winds have changed, the sun has shifted its slant and angle in the sky – and the sky… the sky… becomes its truest blue. Everything glows differently at the end of summer.

I don’t care if it hurts…
I want to have control…
I want a perfect body…
I want a perfect soul…

I want you to notice when I’m not around.

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Tomorrow Andy and I head out on my birthday weekend vacation – a brief trip to Boston and Provincetown for an extra-long weekend. As such I will be gleefully limited in my computer and internet access. (Half the time I forget to bring the iPhone along to update anyone of any status shift.) I’ve programmed a steady series of posts to see us through next week – provided nothing else goes down on this fledgling template. It’s still a work-in-progress, and will be for some time, as figuring things out is taking me longer than expected. That’s to be forgotten in the next few days. It’s been less than an easy summer, and I intend to relax and try for one last weekend of glory before I call it a season.


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Gaze of Our Lives

Fix the master with an animal gaze…

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Wait, Mika Is Gay?

I will not believe it.

Seriously, I think it’s great. I have nothing against gay people. Besides, I’ve been a fan of Mika’s music more than I ever cared about who he slept with. He’s an amazing musician, and his second album was just as powerful and exciting as his first. I’m not sure how his next one (The Origin of Love) is going to add up, based on the lead single (which failed to wow me as instantly as his previous lead-offs did). But the proof will be in the entire body of songs, and I’m always open to listening.

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Prince Harry, Buck Naked – For Real

Honestly, I never thought we’d see the day, but it just goes to prove what I’ve been saying about Las Vegas all along. Only this time, it’s probably a good thing. Leave it to the folks at that bastion of high news, TMZ, to be the first to produce a legit nude shot of Prince Harry, bent over in one shot, and covering the royal jewels with only his hands in another. Fortunately for you, this site has never shied away from gratuitous nudity.

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Red Robin: Yum or Yuck?

I blame Kristi Gustafson Barlette for our annual trip to Red Robin. She got me hooked on their free birthday burger deal, so whenever that e-mail rolls around every August, we make a trip there to cash it in. Say what I may about chain restaurants like this (and I usually don’t say much, I simply don’t often go), free is free, and my funds are in no position to act haughty right now. The last time we were here the place was dead, but it was after a play on a rainy night at about 11:30, so I am surprised by how many people are actually here.

I expect the kids and families, but not the adults, and certainly not all the grown men eating together, many in pairs (and not, if my gaydar is correct, in any way playing for my team).

I start off with the Sweet and skinny spiked tea, consisting of Firefly skinny tea vodka and lemonade. At 68 calories it’s designed to be healthy – minus the sugar and liquor. It’s not something I would normally order, but when in Rome… Exploring the sticky menus (apologies to the iPhone I’m typing this on) I choose the Bacon Cheeseburger Gourmet Burger (is the second burger redundant, or is it me?) As memory serves, there’s nothing much gourmet about it – one can get the same thing at Five Guys, and with a lot more fries, but that’s not the point. What is the point? I ask myself as the server explains the bartender is backed up and my drink will be out in a moment. With the squeals of children it isn’t any wonder why there is a back-up at the bar.

A gentleman stands up from his booth, turns around, picks his wedgie, then sits back down. Well happy birthday burger to me!

A few questions cross my mind as I wait for the hopeful buzz of all this flavored vodka:
Are earrings back for guys?
Are short shorts appropriate with varicose veins?
Are Chinese evergreens still being used without 60’s irony?
Are all these parents really deaf?
Why would you bring a toddler out at all, when you know there’s a 90% chance of a crying meltdown? Do you honestly believe this will fall into the 10% of the day when they behave?
Why is everything so fucking sticky???
As expected I can neither taste nor feel the effects of any supposed skinny ass vodka, but no surprise there, though I do feel bad for the aunts and uncles and extended family members just along for this ride and who need a buzz far more than me.
There’s some sort of birthday sundae song and dance going on at the next table and so help me God if that nonsense comes here. I have walked out of fancier joints over far less.
After a rather lengthy wait (are we going to pretend this is more than glorified fast food?) our burgers arrive. And like most fast food it tastes as good as it always does – we’ll see how the stomach reacts later. As I grow older, this sort of fried onslaught and grease attack comes with its own damages, but I have to admit the burger is decent. In fact, the edge goes to Red Robin over Five Guys, for its more substantial patty and slightly lower grease factor. The fries are not as good , or as greasy, so the end result is a draw. I will say, though, that I can see what all these crying babies, birthday teeny-boppers, and walker-bound ladies come here for – dependable tastes-good-if-unremarkable burgers in a family-friendly environment. It will never be my scene, but once a year it’s worth it. Even if my arms are now sticky. Sometimes a free burger comes at a high cost.
PS- Carousel horses belong on a carousel, and I think I now have lice and pink-eye.
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Construction Continues…

As you may be able to tell, construction on this website continues, and like most construction projects that go on in this house, it’s falling smack dab in the midst of a scheduled vacation. I have no doubt that in the cpaable hands of Webmaster Skip we should be all right, but if things fall apart while I’m away, apologies in advance. Hopefully at least ‘The Projects’ page will be in full-swing prior to my departure.

As for my vacation, it’s a little Boston/Provincetown jaunt to celebrate my birthday. It’s actually been a while since I’ve been away, and it’s coming just in the nick of time. Any longer in upstate New York and I’m likely to take a hostage.

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Ryan Lochte in a Skimpy White Speedo

Further proof that no one looks good in Las Vegas, even if you’re Ryan Lochte in a Speedo. Or maybe it’s the bevy of… beauties… that surrounds him that has me less than enthused. Whatever the case, I much prefer him at the Olympics and serious than in this Vegas pool at some Maxim event. How long until the bong gets passed?

That said, I could never begrudge any Olympian their celebratory fun, and he certainly looks like he is having it. And kudos to him for staying in the Speedo when the competition is over. If only Chris Evans would take a lesson…

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Prince Harry Shirtless

Apologies – I meant, ‘Prince Henry Shirtless’. See, the Olympics taught me more than just how to stuff a Speedo. These pics are reportedly from Las Vegas, which just goes to show how that city can turn good-looking people into something else altogether. Or maybe it’s the hat. Or that ridiculous ball (and I usually adore balls). Whatever, I’m not feeling it, Henry Whatever-Your-Number-Is.

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