
A Winnie Recap

My niece Emi Lu will be fronting this post, in a coat of mine that she helped pick out the last time we were in Boston. “But it’s so over-the-top and ridiculous…” I protested as I hurriedly slipped it on before admiring the nonsense staring back at me from the mirror. 

“It’s totally you,” she said. And so it was. 

Reactions have been decidedly mixed – a co-worker said I looked like Winnie-the-Pooh, bestowing an unintended compliment on me, while at the supermarket the other night a pair of girls broke into loud and long laughter as I walked by them, while another woman said she loved it and asked me where I found it. Such is the life of an unappreciated fashionista in upstate NY. On with the weekly blog recap…

Hope is a growing bump of green. (No, this isn’t about the birth of Elphaba.)

Tracing the lines of time.

Lola’s Birthday.

Winter’s magical light.

The above-referenced weekend with the Ilagan twins finally happened, and it was one for the memory books

A winter boulevard of broken dreams.

Yes, I got Madonna tickets – for The Celebration Tour that was four decades in the making. 

Realizing a lifelong Jessica Rabbit dream in super-gay fashion.

The freshest green is sometimes in a flower and not the foliage.

Summer pining in shirtless style.

Approaching spirituality, almost and always.

Winter in the floating world.

Dazzlers of the Day included Maya Moore, Paul Mescal, Quentin MaxfieldCasey Stratton, and my Mom.


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