
An Ilagan Birthday

For my brother’s birthday we had dinner at my parents’ house in Amsterdam, NY, where the twins enjoyed an influx of Uncles. It’s always risky celebrating a birthday in the midst of February in upstate New York, but this year we escaped the usual winter storm that prevents us from joining in the festivities.

Emi and Noah are getting more and more interactive, and get to do pretty much what they want, so we were treated to some wild swings of singing and playing, running around and jumping, and just a little bit of actual eating of a birthday dinner. It’s much more fun to watch when you don’t have to worry about putting them to bed or raising them for the future. So we just watched and chuckled.

Here, Emi channels her inner Janis Joplin, even if there was little singing involved.

Noah played a monkey game with me and his Dad.

It’s all about the pose and the rock-star posture.

The birthday boy and father overseeing dinner and phone at the same time.

Doting Uncles.

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