
Spring Fruition & Summer Plans in CT

The best sort of visit with friends is one in which the company can be thoroughly enjoyed, the moments can unfurl in their own time to make themselves matter, and where there is a spattering of hints and plans to come thrown in for the promise and possibility of future gatherings. All of these happy items were in place for my recent visit to Connecticut.

The entire state seems to be on the same beautiful page when it comes to daffodils, as there were clumps and swaths of them at every driveway entrance and along every charming stone wall. You could spot them in drifts in wooded glades, at the edges of meadows, and in the gardens and lawns of most of the houses I passed. 

Coupled with a sunny entry day, it made for an enchanting return to this magical place. I always have a good time at Missy and Joe’s home, and now that their children are old enough to join in the conversation and dinner talk, it makes for many entertaining exchanges. 

The grounds of their home were filled with blooms – from the glorious cherry tree that stood sentry at the entrance to their driveway, to the littlest purple Pasque flower seen below. Lilacs are on their way too – the quintessential sign of a proper New England spring

It made for a fitting scene, as we had loosely talked of a floral theme for the weekend, punctuated by my first trip to White Flower Farm (post to come). Cameron joined me for an impromptu photo-shoot beneath the weeping cherry. He would also help out with this summer’s theme (another post to come). 

We went out for a Mexican dinner at Sancho to close out the weekend – obligatory toast shot by Missy (because I would never cut Julian out of a photo in such a manner!) We ended things with the promise of a summer get-together with Ann around the pool in July – at which point three dear friends will reunite for the first time since our tenth high school reunion in 2003.

Once every ten years is simply not enough…

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