
Return of the Monday Recap, Fall-Wise

You may be noticing a slight change in our posting schedule right about now. Last year when I came back from my first summer sabbatical, I took off two days – Tuesday and Wednesday – in the middle of the work week. But those days are tough enough, why should I make anyone suffer more by denying you fresh content and entries when this is my joy as well? That means we are returning to our original daily programming, with a slight twist.

Given that I have more job responsibilities, and that by the time I get home I’m pretty much spent (especially on those nights when I have to cook myself dinner – God how I wish Andy could work his culinary magic with fish) I am not going to promise long-winded or exceptionally meaningful words, but rather punchy, smaller entries that are just as good as hanging out with me over a glass of wine. (Minus all the nasty judgment of your clothing!) But I still like the idea of a Monday where the main posting may be spent ruminating over what came before, so we’re going to keep the Monday recap for the start of the week, then return a bit later in the day for the whole thing to start up again. This first one is going to be shorter, since we only just returned on Thursday and how much can you expect to happen in a weekend? Stick with me, kid, and I’ll show you.

It began with a trio of return posts: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

I like a banana

A new Tom Ford for a new season: Fougere D’Argent

A tale of two brothers.

The newest feature is a tiny little thing

Beginning with my rear end

Still dreaming of Madonna.

Summer Speedos and such. 


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