
Dazzler of the Day: Thomasa Dwyer Nielsen

It’s no secret that my favorite people – the ones who impress and inspire me the most – are often artists. They live out a fantasy life that I could only hint at and half-heartedly attempt, and the most talented among them do so because it’s in their heart to do so. My talents rarely coalesced into anything concrete or bankable, and certainly nothing worthy of a career track, so when I see someone like Thomasa Dwyer Nielsen turn her lifestyle into a work of art, it makes my heart feel a little fuller. Thomasa is both artist and teacher, two undervalued and underappreciated roles that still manage to be just as important as any other job, particularly in the eyes of children. Her work as a painter is what first captured my eye, and she was gracious enough to immortalize my own image in this wonderful piece that now takes pride of place in our dining room. Currently, she’s been posting her artwork on social media, turning that cesspool of awfulness into a place of hope and inspiration, lending color and enchantment to a landscape in dire need of both. Today I am happy to name her as Dazzler of the Day for all the beauty she has shared with the world, and all the joy she brings to my life whenever I gaze upon her work.

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