
Astonishing the World

“I’m made of cruel passions, my Lord… and when the time is right we’ll so act on them as to astonish the world…” ~ ‘Elizabeth I’ as portrayed by Helen Mirren

This sounds like something Winter would be saying right about now, before she relinquishes her temporal hold on the northern hemisphere. Unwilling to let it go until the last possible moment (and, let’s just acknowledge it, likely beyond that) the weather will be wild in the weeks to come, no matter what our feeble calendar demarcations may indicate. Mother Nature is never held to human bounds – that’s why I love her so.

After our recent humdinger of a snowstorm, the reward came the following day, when the sun came out, the sky turned blue, and all the snow and ice glistened and sparkled like the winter wonderland a certain song promised us all those months ago. 

“I have love and compassion too.” ~ ‘Elizabeth I’ as portrayed by Helen Mirren

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