
Acquainted With The Night

Last night we had a full moon, on top of Mars and Mercury being in retrograde motion, which made for quite an interesting day at work. Before leaving the house, I made an intention that I would focus on three f-words for the day: flexibility, forgiveness, and fun.

Flexibility: because it’s always easier to be flexible than rigid. There are so many times in a day when being able to bend is so much more helpful and conducive to progress than refusing to yield. During times of distress or drama, being flexible and open to other opinions and ideas is often the way to finding solutions rather than making things worse. 

Forgiveness: because we all need to be a little more forgiving – of others and of ourselves. It’s ok for people to make mistakes, and it’s ok to make them yourself – most of all, it’s ok to forgive and move on beyond them. This is far easier said than done, and takes some practice and loads of effort, but I’ve found it incredibly useful. It brings about a peaceful heart more than perhaps anything else. 

Fun: because we are only human, we will make fools of ourselves and fumble through the human experience in all sorts of awkward, ridiculous manners. The best thing to do when any of that befalls you is to laugh it off. Whatever setback or conundrum or fluke that happens, whether it be the full moon or planetary retrograde motion or the simple foibles of an average day, if you go into the world ready to laugh instead of cry, you’re already one step nearer to happiness than misery. 

And so I made my way through the day with those words in my head. With every red light, slow/bad driver, or wayward pedestrian along my commute to work, I paused before rising to road rage, allowing myself a deep breath or a smile and chuckle, and when I arrived at the office, that mood was able to hold. It was no small feat, as a full moon/retrograde day in the office is often a nightmare. Somehow, I was able to keep this little trio of f-words in my head, and respond to whatever came up in better form, without resorting to screaming something like “Fuck around and find out!” at the top of my lungs. Hey, sometimes it’s the simple achievements that matter the most. 

I also decided to go into the evening with an intention of peace and calm, to rein in the energy of a full moon and the Mars and Mercury retrograde and focus it toward an inward practice of meditation. For too long, I’ve discounted the power and capability of intention, dismissing it as some new-age concept of empty words and meaningless tripe, but I now think there I something to it. We set the mental scene for our days and nights. We hold the power. And now I hold those thoughts to keep me on track. 

“Acquainted With The Night” by Robert Frost

I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain – and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.

I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.

I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,

But not to call me back or say good-bye; 
And further still at an unearthly height,
One luminary clock against the sky

Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right.
I have been one acquainted with the night.

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