
Two Words

Two words.

Two words I am loathe to use.

Two words that hold power and meaning, no matter how awful.

Two words that, when put together, are going to cause a lot of trouble.

Two words that Robert DeNiro said on last night’s Tony Awards:

Fuck Trump.


And I couldn’t agree more.

It’s time.

It’s time to resist everything to do with Donald Trump.

It’s time to stop all that he’s trying to do. There are no more passes to be given. There are no more opportunities to meet him halfway. He has burned all those bridges, and now he’s burning our standing in the world.

He has endangered our citizens, our country, and our earth with his utter ineptitude at being President. It wasn’t enough that he lost the popular vote, that he gleefully welcomed intrusion by Russia in the election, in the e-mails, in all the things we don’t even know about yet, he then had to take the vaunted office of President – an office once respected and honored the entire world over – and burn it to the ground. He’s destroying our economy and bankrupting America like he’s done with all his companies. Our deficit is the largest it has ever been. He’s stoking division and inciting hatred among our people. He is morally corrupt, mean, petty, and abusive.

What’s worse is that we have let it happen.

And we continue to let it happen.

It should have been stopped in the Republican primaries.

It should have been stopped in the general election.

It should have been stopped every day he has occupied that office.

But it hasn’t been.

The only way to do that is to resist everything Trump. The media needs to stop writing him free passes. The GOP needs to stop being silently complicit in what he has done and stop their support. The Democrats need to stop playing the traditional political game and realize he will never play fair. The American people need to stop excusing and normalizing what he has done.

We all must stop him at every turn.

It’s the only way.

This is how you deal with a dictator.

And so I say, “Fuck you, Donald Trump.”

Fuck you for all the evil you have unleashed in our country and in the world.

Fuck you for all the hate you have condoned, promoted and released.

Fuck you for all your lies, your hypocrisy, your racism, your intolerance, and your ignorance.

Fuck you for defiling the office of the President and making posts like this necessary.

Fuck Trump.

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