
A Recap Filled with Booty

The final full month of winter begins, and it is blessedly the shortest month of the year. February comes in like a lion and stays in such ferocious form throughout its entire interim, but there will be days of crystalline glory, and sun-drenched moments that will melt things, even if temporarily, to remind that hope is on the horizon. For now, we embrace the winter, just as these leggings embrace my ass. On with the booty-ful recap of the last week of January…

Taming the savage yeast – a virgin voyage into bread-baking.

Primrose of almost-spring.

Banana bread that is the moistest. 

Orchid beauty.

Kotoilu and Finnish lace cookies

The picture that still cracks me up.

Tulip memories.

The grounding of the Wolf Moon.


Comfort food by Gram.

Finally, enough Madonna.

Jumping junipers! 

The search and the find: the return of the Madonna Timeline

Assentuate the positive: these Amazon leggings though… 

Beneath the tree of the Buddha.

The unwallowing of winter.

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