
Happy Pride Albany! (And Boston!)

For someone so supposedly egotistical, it may seem strange that I’ve never been the biggest pusher when it comes to Gay Pride. I’ll put on the leopard and sequins (which in my case is not so much a stereotypical gay pride thing as much as just another outfit I’ve worn to the supermarket) and I’ll watch the parade and often shed a tear or two at how moving certain parts are, but for the most part I don’t feel the need to put on a show about it. I display my pride every day of the year that I live openly as a gay man. That takes more integrity and courage than waving a rainbow flag around on the one day it’s suddenly ok for everyone to be gay.

That said, I won’t ever deny the importance of the day and the significance of its history. This is more than just an excuse to dress up and revel in our pride – it’s a day to remember where we came from, and how just a few short years ago we didn’t have as much as we have now. It’s also an inspiration for how far we still need to go. As long as there are hate crimes, as long as there is homophobia, and as long as we don’t have marriage equality throughout the world, there will always be a reason for celebrating Pride.


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