
Artist Spotlight: Kevin Bruce

One of my favorite artists also happens to be a favorite friend: Kevin Bruce. A pillar of Albany’s artistic community, Kevin is one of the most entertaining and supportive artists in the Capital Region, happily contributing work and time and energy to many causes and events over the years. I first wrote about him in this post, and a few years later he was named Dazzler of the Day because a more worthy person of that dazzling moniker simply doesn’t exist. 

His work is whimsical and witty, imbued with knowing winks and nods, and laced with deeper meanings and layers of innuendo. There are cheeky, sexier aspects present too, coupled with humor and offset with innocent exuberance. A fantasy, a flight, a defiance of rules and boundaries – all in the name of artistic freedom and release. Bruce finds the wonder of a moment, then bends and transforms it into something magical, plucked from the realm of imagination and make-believe then made into gorgeous scenes that suddenly feel like possibility incarnate. 

By grounding his subjects in everyday, relatable situations (one of my favorite works of his is a masterful depiction of the crowd at the downtown Albany Dunkin’ Donuts) he is able to employ more fanciful elements in the outfits and actions depicted. His alter-ego Whiskey Sour saw us through those first few tumultuous home-ridden months of the pandemic, doing what she always did best in the form of madcap entertainment and indomitable enthusiasm. We need more of that kind of spirit in the world, and I’m happy that Kevin Bruce is here to provide it through his artwork and in his inspirational existence. 

{Check out his FaceBook page here, where he regularly posts pics of his work. It’s a joyful addition to the otherwise-drab social media landscape.}

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