
Dazzler of the Day: Kevin Bruce

Now that spring has officially sprung, it’s just a matter of time before the seasonal flower-fest starts appearing on Kevin Bruce’s FaceBook page – and it’s one of the happier FaceBook pages thanks to Kevin’s indomitable spirit of positivity – something that transcends the boundaries of online limits. So irrepressible is his energy, I can hear his loud glorious peals of laughter now, though I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing him in person for far too long. With this post, he is named Dazzler of the Day thanks to that wonderful personality that comes armed with equal doses of talent and entertainment (see some of his enchanting work below). I won’t reiterate the accolades you can find at his original Hunk of the Day feature, but it bears repeating that Kevin is one of my favorite people in the world, and when the world goes dim, he maintains his inner-light, spreading it to the rest of us. That’s what a true Dazzler does.     

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