
The Savannah Chronicles: End & Recap

“Savannah was invariably gracious to strangers, but it was immune to their charms. It wanted nothing so much as to be left alone.” ~ John Berendt

It ended in the same way it began ~ at the airport, with a piano player doing what piano players do in a sunny atrium somewhere outside of Savannah. Picking up a last-minute praline for Mom, I immediately went to daydreaming about another visit, perhaps with the parents in tow. Savannah has enough magic for everyone, and with its walkable squares and plentiful historical excursions, along with such excellent food and drink, enough appeal for the most finicky of family members. I made a mental note to plan something in the future.

Part of its charm was no doubt due to the fact that I was vacation with Andy ~ a state in which we rarely find ourselves these days. It’s a happy circumstance that brings a certain peace, especially when separated from the usual burdens and chores of a house and work and political news briefings. We removed ourselves from that stressful world and sunk deep into siestas and slow walks among the pretty squares of the historic district, reviving ourselves with Southern bourbon cocktails and low country food-stuffs. Just as we were easing into an easy-going frame of mind, when the sweet slowness of the Southern pace was finally part of our schedule, it was time to go. That’s ok ~ we will take a bit of it back with us, I thought as I perused a book of Southern recipes and vaguely worked out a brunch or afternoon gathering for a sunny late spring day. Until then, here’s a linky look back at our Savannah Adventures:

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