
When Rain Rings in Beauty

These magical water droplets on the tips of the papyrus plant could only be possible on the morning after a soaking rain. When caught in the sun, in that brief window before they burn away, they reveal the residual prettiness that a storm leaves in its wake. A miniature version of a rainbow, a reminder and a covenant in one. 

This is a papyrus plant that I found in a local nursery, and I expected it to be much larger than it is. I’ve had tremendous success growing these in previous years – as soon as their roots fill the pot they shoot forth large umbrels into the sky, growing so high that they eventually start falling over by the end of the season, only by then I don’t mind. This time around it appears I happened upon a super-dwarf version, as these will be lucky to top out at two feet. At first it was a little disappointing, but I’ve since come to appreciate their smaller and more delicate stature. It’s a better of perspective and appreciation. 

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