
The Lion Returns with a Roar

The royal return of the king of beasts marks the start of March, and such thunderous entrance and cacophonous fanfare seems fitting as we continue on our not-so-merry march of Mercury in retrograde. We have entered the month in which spring officially begins, and though that’s not for a few weeks, hope is on the horizon.

I have a soft spot for lions, as evidenced by this dreamy song, and this summer memory. As for their connection with the start of March, I’m all for it, and if history is any indication they’ll see us through the entire month. Lambs don’t get their meteorological match until May usually. March is much more volatile, and the first days have Mercury behind them, leading to the kind of war I’d much rather avoid. To that end, I will maintain my schedule of meditation. It isn’t much, just fifteen minutes a day, but those fifteen minutes matter and make a world of difference. Silence and stillness are undervalued in today’s world, which means carving out a time and place for both can be difficult. It’s not something you can do in the car on your daily commute, or in the shower, or even lying in bed. It takes concentration and work ~ it’s not just lounging and chanting and ommmmm. But I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge, particularly if tranquility and serenity might be one of the outcomes. They will be especially important as the lion rages and March rears its hot-blooded head. We must also remember that lions can be peaceable creatures as well, so long as we don’t interrupt the hunt.

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