
Snowy Groundhog

“One cannot creep upon a journey; one cannot help getting on faster than one has planned: and the pleasure of coming in upon one’s friends before the look-out begins is worth a great deal more than any little exertion it needs.” ~ Jane Austen

On this day, when folklore has it the groundhog will reveal how much winter remains, I’m left wanting a note of hope, a chance for an early reprieve, but if the rodent happens to catch its shadow and retreats to its underground lair, even the six weeks such an act portends is at least a light at the end of the tunnel. Hence the happy Jane Austen quote that opens this post, and the happy anthurium spath that smiles in its featured photo. 

If life is measured in holidays – and what happy life isn’t? – then the next up is Valentine’s Day. (I know I’m ignoring those Presidents, but I’m all Presidented out at the moment.) While Valentine’s Day holds its own cheesy allure (and the chance for something exquisite to happen) it soon leads into St. Patrick’s Day, which is practically the verge of spring, so let’s have a happy moment no matter what the groundhog says. 

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