
November Splendor Recap

This view is one of my favorites in the summer – it shows the towering tips of the fountain grass behind the boughs of a Chinese dogwood tree. Beyond is the pool, mirroring a blue sky. It’s a favorite because it signals summer and sun and warmth and fun. Last week the view wasn’t bad, but it was tinged with the sadness of impending slumber, the winter on its way. Still, until recently November has been relatively kind weather-wise, and I’m going to hold onto its glory and splendor for as long as it will let us. On with a briefer recap, because November is brief. 

What to do with all the tomatoes that would have otherwise gone to the frost. 

Autumn in New York. Upstate and otherwise.

A pair of quotes for a peaceful moment.

Emily Dickinson and autumn.

The words and wisdom of Seneca.

Daybreak in autumn.

Taylor Swift’s autumn heartbreak.

Autumnal meditation. Because we need it now more than ever. 

Dazzlers of the Day included Justin Tranter, Chella Man, Paul Rudd, Alicia Silverstone and Mr. T.

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