
Mornings of Change

While the heat of summer returned with a vengeance yesterday, the morning glories tell me it is almost time to look toward fall, as the gardens continue their gradual decline and quiet preparation for their winter nap. I will feed the potted pots we have until the first frost – our cherry tomatoes are going non-stop, the cucumbers have already provided food for salad, snack, and more, while the figs have finally started to ripen after appearing way back in June. The wait was worth it, but more on that in a post to come. As for the gardens, they had their last feeding this past weekend, as I don’t want to encourage a bunch of new growth just as they are supposed to be hunkering down for the season. 

For now, let’s simply enjoy the deep wondrous purples of these morning glories, which always come into their own as the world gears up for school again, when there’s a tension in the air, broken only by the cool nights and chilly mornings. This is the sort of weather the morning glories seem to love, and they are on a mad quest to bloom their heads off and scatter seeds for next year. Survival, and desperation, can be beautiful things. 

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