
Mercurial Madness through June

Ignore Mercury in retrograde at your own peril! A few days ago, the astrological shift officially occurred, and we are in such motion until June 2, so hang onto your hats and your heads because both could come off if you’re not careful. I’ve already seen its heinous effects at work in the office, and on the road – both of which have become fraught with mishaps and madness. 

In my admittedly-limited experience in this world, I have found that it’s best to be careful and extra-cautious whenever Mercury is in retrograde motion. You may find everything around you falling apart, but if you can retain some sense of stability and structure, some centering space of basic common sense and reasonable timidity, you may escape unscathed while everyone else falters and fucks up around you. Not that we all don’t falter and fuck up from time to time – there just seem to be so many more opportunities to fall prey to such things during the retrograde period. 

That means it’s also a good time to remind ourselves that it’s ok to fail and and fall down now and then. It’s the best way we have of learning, and if you are lucky enough to be surrounded by people who care enough to help you back up, that’s all that really matters. I am lucky indeed, and so I intend to go into this month of Mercurial madness with some extra care, and the reliance on some cherished people. 

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