
Jeepers Peepers

This week adds to the pile-up of physical upgrades my middle-aged body demands, with an eye-exam since I am due for one. Down to my last pair of contacts, it’s now or resign myself to a few weeks of spectacles. I have my share of eyeglass headaches from those moments when I need these readers – no need to turn it into a full-day affair. 

Such upkeep is the stuff of all humans. We battle and hold back the lines of age as it encroaches evermore on our bodies – a lost cause, but we fight it because it’s the essence of survival. It’s what humans have always done – something more primal and innate than planned or fully understood. Though I suppose there are those who do give up. I’m fortunately not there yet, and so we go, on with some new contacts, in with some new blood pressure pills, up with some sun salutations. Being alive is a good thing, no matter how much work it takes. 

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