
Annus Horribilis: The 2020 Year In Review – Pt. 2

By summer, we were developing a new way of life, isolating amid the pandemic, managing with outside visits, and I wish we’d known what a luxury that was. The hindsight of a full year is seldom a solace, though we will attempt to make the most of it, learning the lessons we needed to learn, adjusting and modifying and evolving for a new world. As we close out this calendar year on the blog, I wish you and your family peace and health and happiness. 

July 2020 – The height of summer found the best pool weather we’ve ever had – day after day of sun and heat, perfectly consistent and unending – as was the continued closure of our pool. We could only find respite in the shaded parts of the garden

Patriotic posing.

A summer Sunday of self-care.

Red-hot American recap.

The saddest photos of the summer

A shirtless, and waterless, recap

It was a summer of anti-racist reckoning, and the work continues. 

Recapping with summer wings.

Andy and I celebrated our 20th anniversary of being together.

A look back at two decades of companionship and love

Taylor Swift provided the fittingly low-key soundtrack to the heat of summer. 

Another sad loss in 2020 – our friend Eric

A recap in high summer

August 2020 – Continuing the stretch of sunny weather at odds with emotions and the state of the world, August brought forth somber beauty and quiet mornings

It also brought our pool back from the brink!

Even Madonna makes mistakes.

Summer smelled good.

At last, a poolside recap.

Summer setbacks.

Turning 45 years old in fine and fabulous fashion. 

A turn in the birthday suit.

Popping some cherries

September 2020 – On the first day of the month, this recap signaled for me to pause

An evening meditation.

My amazing father turned 90 years old

Wearing summer out

Before the summer ends.

And just like that, fall arrived in fanfare and glory. 

A song named Betty.

A rabbit’s hole of recaps, all of which are worth exploring.

October 2020The spooky season was at hand

A rocky recap filled with fuckery.

On the day we celebrate a cultural genocide.

Maintaining mindfulness amid the madness of 2020.

An autumnal recap alight

Andy’s birthday visitor.

Wrinkled low-hangers and sexual reconciliations informed this recap. 

My first full-year of not drinking alcohol.

November 2020It began with a finale.

The world turned upside down and this recap did little to fix it. 

Trump lost the Presidential election more than any other loser in history

Finding a way to forgiveness.

Before the holiday mayhem ensues, a look back.

A proper Thanksgiving scandal.

That for which I am the most thankful

Boston, 25 years later.

A recap of gratitude.

December 2020 – And so we reach the end of another year that could not end soon enough. Glimmers of light and hope flickered through the darkness

Beneath a mystical moon for a few minutes. 

A Christmas river.

A recap hued in silver

This year’s holiday card, with special guest appearances by Mom and Dad.

As with much of the year, the Holiday Stroll in Boston was canceled. Or was it…?

Taylor Swift, take two.

Tay Tay sang and I recapped.

A high school holiday memory fueled by Bette Midler.

Champagne sparkle.

Bending time and space, we managed to make The Holiday Stroll 2020 happen after all.

Festive recapping.

Thus ends the year, just in the nick of time. Not going to say it can’t get worse because we all know it can. But I hold hope for something better… Happy New Year to you and yours! Let’s meet back here tomorrow for a fresh start. 

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