
A Treacherous Monday Recap

Mondays always carry the risk embodied by the featured photo here – there is danger lurking just ahead, no matter how unlikely it may be. And so we enter another week in winter, but this is one with a little bit of hope, a distant light of spring at the end of its proverbial tunnel. Let’s put the past week officially to bed with a recap, then charge ahead. 

Gearing up for our 20th anniversary of, I put the kettle on the burner

Meditation on a rose

Tale of a Target tweet.

The brightest of mocktails to stave off the winter. 

Don’t fuck with Madonna on my time.

A Troye Sivan appreciation post

This lion never sleeps.

The perfection of the imperfection

Tibet by way of Cambridge

Finding mindfulness in a dish rag.

The ducking truth.

Signs of hope first in the house

Jaxon Layne and Lolo.

Of football, jockstraps and Tom Brady.

Dazzlers of the Day included Nick Offerman and Brandi Carlile.

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