
A Recap Spanning the Two Full Months of Winter

We have made it to the last full month of winter, and this recap straddles the only months that contain winter in their entirety – next month contains the first few days of spring, so let that inspire you to carry on through the next couple of weeks. Yesterday brought a Full Snow Moon, which I and several friends and family have been feeling for longer than a day. Let’s push forward through this winter – on with the recap.

That lavender haze inspired by Taylor Swift and Tom Ford

A candlelight date with my husband.

A fruitful February, and a few from the past.

This hour of television absolutely wrecked me, in the best possible way. 

Still practicing the polish and poise

Good friends are the main ingredient of a good dinner party. 

Dark but just a game.

A little song for winter.

Hunkering down in hygge.

Mirror gazing.

On the nature of daylight.

Dazzlers of the Day included Matt Friend, Sam Smith, Chris Salvatore, Austin Wolf, Pedro Pascal, Christopher Griffin, and Murray Bartlett.

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