
A Recap for a Holiday that Means Something

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

One of the more noble-minded holidays we have in this country, this is the day on which we honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for all the work he did in helping us move toward equality for all. While it may seem like certain people are doing their damnedest to erase that work, it lives in anyone who carries on Dr. King’s dream in practice or in heart. We need to be a little louder now.

As for the past week, it was calm in reality, but somewhat tumultuous based on the blog posts. Some of them were written a couple of months ago and are only now being posted, while others are more vague ruminations on things that have been in the works for weeks. That sense of distance and detachment from the time that events happen to the time they get posted here is a necessary safety buffer for me, and once that I embrace. On with the recap…

Justin Trudeau grows a beard

Beginning the tumultuous path to forgiveness.

My defining GIFs.

A place of winter peace, filled with flowers. 

A quick hit of shirtless hunks

The end of the party era?

Life is happiness indeed.

A peaceful entry to the weekend.

Grieving a dear friend

Dreaming of that lost friend

My mother’s birthday.

Catching the buzz.

Just fresh and like that

Hunks of the Day included Hunter March, Brooks LaichJeremiah Buoni, Oliver Jackson Cohen, and Curtis Hamilton.

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