
A New Dawn, But We’re Not Quite There…

Despite the brilliance of the day, I’m feeling a bit like the current state of this website – slightly tattered, and Miss Havisham-like in a faded marabou robe. I’m writing this on an Airbook while sitting on the backyard patio – or, as Dorothy would have it, the lanai. It cannot be denied that the day is gorgeous, and a welcome relief from the stultifying days we’ve had of late, but it must also be acknowledged as one of the first turns toward Autumn.

The ferns have already begun to brown, and the garden – so early and ahead this year – is teasing with its Helenium, and a magnificent showing of the Seven Sons’ Flower. I expected the latter to have bloomed already – they have been in bud for weeks – but they have held off. Like the summer, they’re not quite ready to give up the ghost. That’s good – there’s too much of it left. And much to be done here. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to see what I can do on the back end of this thing. Don’t tell Skip – I’m probably not the one to be monkeying around without his guidance, but that’s how we learn…
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