
A Boxing Day Recap

The day after Christmas is sometimes a bit of a let down, though I’ve never felt that way. This was always the day to start again – and it fell just as winter vacation got under way. So for those who don’t find the holidays as happy as we pretend them to be, this is the day to return happily to the grind, and as it’s a Monday, here’s a weekly recap – the last of the year. 

My circle of friends, and their children, convened in Boston amid a winter storm, and after shaking beginnings, the kids once again found my Christmas spirit

It was such a grand time, I stuck around for brunch and my first brush with the World Cup.

Waking to the winter solstice.

In the vernacular of the young, I christen myself a snack

What light of a winter solstice.

A torch and three ships for Christmas

Happy holiday hygge.

The eyes lost it.

Bearly Christmas.

Music for the eve of drama.

O come, O come

Merry Christmas from our family to yours

“That Welsh rabbit was ginger peachy,” but no rabbits were harmed in the making of this holiday dish

Dazzlers of the Day included Lionel Messi, Patrick Dexter, and Ziwe.

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