
Proud & Unbowed

Most of the time, the Lenten rose that has grown in our backyard for the past two decades keeps its flowered heads bowed down, drooping low to the ground and dangling like little mauve bells. This year, a couple of them deigned to raise their heads and defiantly look half-way up into the sky, and when that happens I try to get their photo, without throwing out my back. The crux of age and desire… these are dangerous waters. 

I’ve mentioned the Lenten rose a number of times here, and this may be the year I add another one to our garden. When it’s the only thing in bloom this early, it gains importance, and its beautiful foliage remains gorgeous all season long. (If ever it gets ratty, I simply snip it off and often a new set of leaves will emerge to take its place, especially if it’s early in the season.) 

At my parents’ home, there I a light cream version that lifts its blossoms a little more, carrying their heads a bit higher. I may look into that variety. These are enchanting plants on many levels. 

For now I’m going to take advantage of their bold streak this spring, and enjoy their mottled beauty. 

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