
Pepper Nuts From A Box

If the past year has taught me anything, it’s that it’s ok to bake from a box, and in the case of pancakes and Bisquick, it’s actually the smarter method (particularly for a pancake-destroyer like myself). Enter these practically-perfect Pfeffernasse cookies conjured from a Trader’s Joe mix that was part of a lovely gift package from Marline. They came out wonderfully, and the ease with which they were done could not be matched by any supposed-satisfaction in compiling all the spices needed for this by my own hands. What would have typically taken fifteen extra bowls, fussy flour fluffing, and clouds of powdered sugar floating through the house, instead took the crack of an egg, some softening of butter, and it was done.

Stung richly through with the taste and scent of Christmas, these were the cookies I wanted so badly for our last Children’s Holiday Hour, so they come with some happy memories, and even happier hopes for next season. That’s the kind of sentiment only the best cookies can bring.

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