
High Time for Tea Season

I don’t think I’ve had a cup of hot tea since April. Once spring breaks, I set the tea kettle to the side and don’t pick it up again until, well, now. That means I’ve been waiting patiently since my birthday to use this attractive tea cup that Suzie brought back from a trip to Denmark. This morning, with a fall chill in the air, and no socks on my bare feet, I switched from the iced summer smoothies to a cup of hot matcha. It was time. 

Far more than mere sustenance, a cup of tea is a ritual. Carefully executed with a calm and patient countenance, it can become an exercise in mindfulness. A lovely way to enter the day, it primes the body and the brain for whatever may come. As we claw our way through these last few days of Mercury in retrograde motion, a peaceful start to the day may make all the difference. 

Please feel free to pause in your day for a cup of tea, or just a moment of mindfulness. It’s all going so fast, and it’s going to keep going unless we all slow things down. 

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