

Or Ebelskivers depending on your preference.

Whichever you spell it, these rounded Danish pancakes are a new obsession of mine, even if my diet doesn’t quite embrace all the flour and sugar and jam and jelly and cream cheese and syrup that properly goes with them. For an upcoming brunch, all dietary restrictions are being suspended. If the government can shut down, so can my diet.

These Danish treats have their own special pan for making them, which I found on my one true addiction, As with most brunch dishes served to friends and family, this one got a test run a few days ago, and happily it was a resounding success. The main trick to cooking them is getting the turn-over just right. Basically, you heat the pan on medium and put a tiny amount of butter in each form, then pour a tablespoon of simple pancake batter in, along with a dollop of whatever filling you so desire (a favorite jam or jelly or cream cheese or any combo thereof) and let it cook. When the sides pull away a bit, slowly turn it over so the rest of the runny batter falls to the bottom, and cover with the cooked part of the pancake. A few minutes more and the whole thing should be cooked and combined in a lovely little rounded pouch of deliciousness. (To make the flip, I used chopsticks – I’ve read that some have employed knitting needles, but we didn’t have any. You think I can do all this AND knit too?)

Thanks to the non-stick pan I had, they slid out with ease, and clean-up was a breeze (not as breezy as if the pan withstood a dishwasher, but as breezy as it gets without that option). I found them much easier to do than waffles or regular pancakes, and the surprise filling is the perfect whimsical touch for brunch. Add a pot of warm syrup and some sifted confectioner’s sugar and the decadence factor shall be fulfilled.

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