
A Letter to My Godson Upon His First Birthday

Dear Jaxon – 

How fitting that in the days leading up to your first birthday you were valiantly beginning the first efforts at walking. You can stand up on your own without any assistance, and you are unmatched in crawling speed. Walking is a just a step or two away – and there is happiness and excitement and hope in that. We need all those things right now. 

You’ve come quite a long way in your first year on earth. Some philosophical fool once bestowed the following message upon our hapless souls: “May you live in interesting times.” Personally, I hope the times get a little less interesting for your journey. There will be drama and interest through your own machinations alone, and I will be here for it every step of the way.

For the sake of posterity, I will put down here how difficult it was to find a formula that worked for you, and for a few months you gave us all some concern when you wouldn’t gain the weight of a typical baby. You’ve pretty much caught up since then, and I simply take that to mean you are taking after your old Uncle Al, who sometimes takes his time in getting things too. Don’t let anyone rush or push you until you are ready. There will be more than enough time to astound and delight

Beyond that, you’ve been a joy – a happy baby who deigned to be held by your Uncles at the dinner table, or babysat by Lola, or doted on by your Mom and Dad, or even, on occasion, bounced about by your older brother and sister. In other words, you’ve become an indelible and beloved member of the family. You will hear it many times over, and it will still never be said enough: you are loved. 

For my small part as your Godfather, I will do my best to guide and protect you. There is so much ahead of you – and as all the world unfurls before your eyes I have a feeling you will come to be my guide as well. Happy 1st birthday, my little Jaxon Layne. We love you. 

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