
Family Fun that Spans the Generations

A couple of weeks ago we had a family dinner with the whole Ilagan gang, one that spanned 92 years from Dad to my godson Jaxon, and it was one of those moments when it was best to be entirely present and simply take all of it in, especially the antics of Jaxon Layne, which change and evolve every single day. 

He’s teething now, which makes for an interesting rollercoaster of emotions and expressions, and Uncle Andy was there for every twist and turn. 

Somewhere within the time these photos were taken, Jaxon tooted right on Andy, which I believe is the baby’s way of marking their territory. Andy was way more amused than I would have been, so everything happens for a reason. 

Given his mischievous smile, I think Jaxon knew exactly what he was doing, and I can’t wait to see how he grows up. Every day brings something new and noteworthy, and as long as there are smiles and laughs interspersed throughout, and some sleeping time for Mommy and Daddy, Jaxon looks to be an adorable anchor for the family. 

Dad lights up whenever Jaxon is around, and they are often on the same sleeping pattern, especially if there’s a full moon on the rise. 

Noah and Emi are taking up lacrosse, growing up even faster than Jaxon, so we are just trying to follow along as best we can, with a sleepover in the near future should schedules align. In the meantime, these dinners with the newest Ilagan bring us all together, and any time I get to spend with this cute baby is time that soothes the soul. 


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