
Thankful Remembrance

This is always a difficult part of the year in my home. Andy lost his Mom right around Thanksgiving, so as warm and fuzzy as we try to make these days, they are always tinged with the sorrow and sadness of missing her. I still remember leaving Thanksgiving dinner early when it was still at the Ko house to rush to the hospital, and I know this holiday remains bittersweet for Andy because of it. 

She is still with us, though, as we are constantly reminded of her in stories and memories and the regular visits of cardinals. To entice the latter even more, I hung this bell of seeds since most of the cup flower stalks have been robbed by the goldfinches and chipmunks. The cardinals made a feast of the seven sons flower tree earlier this fall, adding accents of scarlet to the soft pink seedheads. It made for a pretty, and soul-satisfying, sight ~ a sign of love from far away. 

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