
Chicken Soup for the Stomach and the Soul

As the final dredges of the flu limped through my weary system, I mustered the energy to make a quick soup. Andy asked if I wanted the chicken defrosted that morning, but I wasn’t sure I’d be up for it so I didn’t bother. Now, I began the assembly and figured I could find some beans for protein if there wasn’t chicken.

Gray skies sputtered a bit of wet snow and rain, but nothing to substantial. There was a gloominess, however, and a bit of soup was always an antidote for this. I spiced up the base with garlic and ginger, then added onions and carrots and some miso paste instead of salt. Thinking better of the beans, I texted Andy, who was already en route to the market, to see if there were some cheap cuts of chicken already thawed and a helping of kale. We needed vitamins to continue the trajectory to better health.

I found some red kidney beans and added them anyway – I loved the color they gave. Andy arrived with the kale and a chicken roaster, which worked out perfectly. The soup base had cooked and was ready, and once the kale cooked for a bit I added the chicken and it was the ideal combination.

It takes two to make a soup go right.

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