
Dazzler of the Day: Diego Barros

Porn stars, strippers and sex workers get shamed and ostracized in so many places today that it sometimes feel like we as a society are progressing backwards. I can’t tell you how many Twitter accounts advertise ‘No Porn’ on their bios, which is fair, but it still wreaks of judgment and condemnation. In these parts, we celebrate everybody (unless you hate) and that includes those who make a living promoting their bodies. In some cases, it’s quite a lucrative living, as Dazzler of the Day Diego Barros proves. He’s reportedly the first male porn star to amass one million Twitter followers, and he’s also reportedly earned one million dollars in eight months or something, so before you go judging and critiquing how he makes his money, check your own bank account. If I could have made that kind of money shaking and quaking in a banana hammock, I’d have gone the Onlyfans route as well. Today, we celebrate someone who took his talents to the bank. 

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