
The Week Ends?

Does the week end tonight or tomorrow night? Or, in the words of Dame Maggie Smith’s Downton Dowager, “What is a weekend?” Regardless of when, precisely, it happens, let it happen easily and uneventfully, because in these last weeks of winter my mind and countenance are frazzled and fretful. Enter this hot cup of matcha, which has been my morning go-to these past few days, in an effort to jolt some inspiration, or at the very least the energy required to make it through the damn duration. When work and daily responsibilities heap worry upon wear, the best thing to do is retreat to your quiet place. 

The saving grace throughout this winter has been my meditation practice, which is back up to about 20 minutes per day, and I’ve insisted on doing it on a daily basis since the start of the year. After a couple of months, the differences are more and more profound, which is the whole point of meditating, and why it only gets better the longer one works at it. 

Does this mean the highlight of my Saturday night is a 20 minute meditation session

Absolutely. And I am in no way sorry that it should be so. 

Happy Saturday Night, everybody! Go crazy.

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