
Studying Our Shadows

More wisdom from Dr. Elaine N. Aron’s ‘The Highly Sensitive Person’ comes in her description of how some of us acknowledge the darker parts of our personality, and how studying and understanding these traits is more helpful than whitewashing or wishing them away. Putting on a happy face has never worked well for me, so this makes a great deal of sense. For those who tend to dwell on the rosy side of life without humbly admitting to their own failings and faults, this is a lesson that usually gets missed. 

“In getting to know our shadow, the idea is that it is better to acknowledge our unpleasant or unethical aspects and keep an eye on them rather than to throw them out the front door “for good,” only to have them slip in the back when we’re not looking. Usually the people who are the most dangerous and in danger, morally speaking, are those who are certain they would never do anything wrong, who are totally self-righteous and have no idea that they have a shadow or what it is like.” ~ Dr. Elaine N. Aron, ‘The Highly Sensitive Person’

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