
Sunny Echoes

Echoing the sunny post from this morning, these bright and cheerful flowers are emblematic of happy days spent in my childhood backyard. When we were last home for the 4th of July, I captured these shots of the gardens that my Mom has been cultivating and caring for over the last few years. In my younger years I battled for perennials over annuals, but she insisted on having the bright and floriferous show that only annuals provide. Over time, she’s come to appreciate the more subtle but just as impactful visage of a perennial border, with its focus on texture and the sometimes-fleeting nature of its blooms. 

In the case of some of these – such as the featured photo of the Sedum, that show can last for several weeks, or in the case of the stunning lily below, a few days. 

The garden is aflame at this time of the year, matching the sun’s intensity and heat, with eye-popping hues and stunning shades that light the darkest night. 

Summer’s sun resounds in its blooms.

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