
One Winter Month Done

The first month of winter comes to its conclusion in sunny, happy fashion. There is a frigid bite in the air, and temperatures are due to descend even more, but these little narcissus blooms brightened the local greenhouse, reminding me that we are headed in the right direction. Along with hyacinths and tulips, the blooms that are just starting to appear will lead us directly to another spring, which will arrive no matter how many storms or difficulties arise along the way. And so I shall indulge in their beauty and fragrance, holding onto the sneak-peek of spring just a little tighter than I have in previous years. 

Maybe it’s a little premature, but this year we need it sooner rather than later. Besides, this is a week I’m choosing to focus on hope and possibility, leaving the pathos and darkness to which we’ve become accustomed swirl away down the proverbial drain. Soon enough, the snow will melt away. The earth will heave and begin to shake off the winter. Spring will come again, it always does. It always will. 

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