
A Winter Vantage Point

Against the windowpanes looking out onto a snowy scene, a potted cyclamen glows warmly pink with its sinuous blooms and soft dark green foliage. It makes a simple yet stunning show with the backdrop of blue dusk lending its winter chill. Such a juxtaposition gives the scene an added coziness, the way a cooler bedroom at night makes sleep beneath a warm blanket that much more pleasurable.  

There’s also something comforting about a greenhouse beauty recalling the warmer days of late summer when cyclamen typically bloom in the wild, bringing that verdant gorgeousness inside when the earth has been cold and barren for several months, and will be for several more. 

Soon enough, the glow of Christmas will wear off, and the long trudge of winter will continue with the bleak gray and brown earth peeking through the snow whenever weather allows. Little scenes like this stave off the coldness of the outside world. They may be transient, they may be temporary, but the emotional sustenance they provide lasts beyond their prettiness. 

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