
September Arriving

A song for the first day of September, entitled almost entirely too basically as ‘September Song’, and written and performed by the great Agnes Obel, this will mark our entrance to the month in which we transition from summer to fall. A sigh of sadness would usually accompany such a statement, but this year is different for me. This year, fall feels welcome, and the slumber of winter feels like it may function as an old friend. More than anything, I want things to slow down, and I want to feel the days as they arrive, not rush through them in order to get to the next thing. 

The next thing is not always lovely. 

The next thing lurks like a monster from childhood. 

Whether or not it’s only in your mind, the next thing is awful in how awful it can be imagined. 

So let us have this September Song, and let it be a balm on all our worry and wonder. 

Let it welcome us into a new month, and a new season, while embracing the last days of summer, celebrating and honoring everything that has happened beneath the sun and the rain. 

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