
Don’t F&ck With The Meditation

Holy fuck this work week was a doozy, with the shift of Mercury into retrograde throwing insult on top of injury, but we made it through the wilderness. One of the daily rituals that has proven to be the saving grace at such difficult times is meditation. For twenty minutes a day, I can slip into a state of calm and peace, even when it doesn’t always start out that way. Through deep breathing, focused intentions, and the full twenty minutes, by the end of a meditation session my heartbeat has slowed, my worries and tensions have eased, and all the silly little problems that seemed to insurmountable have melted into their proper place of unimportance. 

The other day, I began by ruminating on a litany of work stresses and annoyances. They crossed the mind, prickled with their bothersome nature, flitted about for a bit, then dissipated. Simply acknowledging such things instantly puts them into perspective – I don’t know why, it just does. Allowing those thoughts to enter and then pass, I moved deeper into the meditation, focusing on my intentions, breathing slowly in and even more slowly out. When I found random and worrisome thoughts returning, I started counting the breaths – the simplicity of a numerical focus for each breath re-centered the experience, and soon enough that clear, bright plane that comes with a good meditation was coming into existence. At those moments I feel a lightness, an uncluttered expanse of clarity that counteracts the frenzied chaos and dense concerns of life today. 



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